Author Topic: Conditions for Weekend Events  (Read 9568 times)

Offline Lucy

  • Posts: 1,021
Conditions for Weekend Events
« on: February 20, 2009, 14:08:47 »
Hey guys,

Varsities is here! Woohooo!
Hells yeah, lets have some fun.

There are a few conditions that the councils of the Sluice area have informed me of and that everyone has to be aware of :

1) Litter....just don't do it. We paddle in this area. We want to keep it nice. Don't be horrible. Inevitably the rubbish will end up in the river and who knows?!....If you swim, you might end up with your own rubbish back in your face!

2) Park Byelaws apply.

3) Entrances must be kept clear. This is for safety reasons. So don't be silly.

4) Only an ambulance and a support van are allowed into the actual park. All other vehicles are prohibited.

5) Competitors will not be allowed to bring trailers/ cars / vans to the river bank.

6) All boats will have to be carried in.

7) There will be Park Rangers present so don't make life difficult for them or they could make life very difficult for us, very quickly.

If I remember anymore I'll let you know.
I don't think these will be too hard to follow.
Bring on a brilliant weekend!

Offline Ley-Ley

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Re: Conditions for Weekend Events
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2009, 21:15:41 »
Good work v. commitee. *sleep*