Boats and Gear > Lost and Found
Things i have aquired & want to get rid of
Various things have been left in my car over the past year & i'm gonna leave em in the boathouse if nobody wants them back
1 booty size 43/44 blue & very worn looking
1 cow tail free to good home as it was found in trooperstown & never claimed
1 pair black & white board shorts say Volcom on the side
1 navy v neck long sleeve Marks & Spencers top
1 pair of navy track suit bottoms with red stripes
1 blue mens shirt
Mark Ahern i also have a NRE t-shirt, socks & boxers belonging to you... ::)
--- Quote from: JODY on April 22, 2009, 20:18:14 ---
1 pair of navy track suit bottoms with red stripes
--- End quote ---
didn't Question Boy used to wear those?
Who the hell is Question Boy? They're probably Marks... he must have gone home pretty naked from paddling some day!!
must have been before your time.
ah you young'uns
Or maybe i just didnt spend my childhood in front of a tv :P
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