Author Topic: Salvage rights on Club Boats.  (Read 14608 times)

Offline Brendino

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Salvage rights on Club Boats.
« on: December 04, 2003, 16:56:43 »
I have a club Stubby at home in my garden along with a buoyancy aid and new helmet. If nobody from the club claims them within 10 days they are mine to sell. I aso have a Red Ego and two sets of blades. Any offers?

Get in touch KmcK to arrange a drop off and you too Peg Leg. I'm not paddling this weekend.

Offline claire

  • Posts: 183
Salvage rights on Club Boats.
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2003, 17:02:24 »
oops forgot you still had them, i can call over and collect the buoyancy, helmet and blades dunno what to do about the stubby though.

Offline kmck

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Salvage rights on Club Boats.
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2003, 17:05:41 »
As brendan rightly says he has salvage rights on the gear if its still there in ten days. So claire get someone to drop it back to the boat house or we will need a replacement and as you said its a return or replace policy I run. On another matter which ever one of you took the inazone off the trailer get it back to campus as soon as possible. Thieving monkeys is all i have to say

Offline TomB

  • Posts: 296
Salvage rights on Club Boats.
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2003, 17:44:49 »
Brendino i wouldn't mind an aul stubby for christmas, (the kingpin isn't that great on rivers). If you get to claim salvage rights give me first refusal on a deal :wink:

As for 'peg legs' ego i also wouldn't mind an aul ego for christmas, (ive been a good boy this year so hopefully santa will be generous), besides a spare play boat wouldn't go astray.


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Salvage rights on Club Boats.
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2003, 18:52:20 »
Tom you being  a good boy this year has no merit in this club, quite the opposite in fact :)

Offline Brendino

  • Posts: 386
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Salvage rights on Club Boats.
« Reply #5 on: December 11, 2003, 08:59:04 »
Seriously Though,
Can I please get rid of these boats, unless of course Cormac and Claire are paddling this weekend, in which case I can hang on to them till then :?:  :?:  :?:  :?:  :?:  :?:  :?:  :?:  :?:  :?:  :?:  :?:  :?:  :?:  :?:  :?:
Lets go Paddling this weekend. I won't be at my computer for the rest of the day so give me a call.

Eoin...I think

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Salvage rights on Club Boats.
« Reply #6 on: December 11, 2003, 12:46:38 »
I was askin Kieran if there was a possibility of some of the freshers headin on a trip at all before Christmas. I Know theres no club trips planned, so it's fair enough if it can't be done, and if the higher level dudes want to head on a private trip minus the possibility of havin to rescue our sorry asses then that's understandable. Just wouldn't mind a bit of paddling meself!  :D

Offline bexifurr

  • Posts: 541
Salvage rights on Club Boats.
« Reply #7 on: December 12, 2003, 19:50:05 »
me too :P