O.K guys so here's the dealio. I know you guys are all looking forward to an awesome weekend of
fun and frolics in Lahinch!

You're all trying your best to remind me of all the fun I'm going to be missing out on!!

But the big thing about Lahinch isn't just getting super drunk or enjoying some kick ass kayak surfing, it's all about doing these things
BETTER THAN TRINITY!!And so to begin this kicking of trinity's ass we shall be going to
Messrs Maguires on Thursday night, about 9;30, straight after the pool session instead of the usual O'Neills/Doyles thing, where we shall party and drink the trinners under the table to kick off our ass kicking weekend a lil bit early, and with a whole lot of style!

So be there and do your club proud!! We're counting on you!!