Ya i'm not sure what the frick ìs Goin in but i know I'm a wolf so i'm not sure whether i should be biting people this weekend or next weekend!
On a sadder note a physio in work said i've done my shoulder rotatory cuff muscle and that paddling is not a good idea for a month!!! BUGGER! that's why i wasn't out last night and why i haven't paid for lahinch yet, if i can't paddle i'm not payin 50 squid to sit around and watch yiz have fun! i'm P-I-S-S-E-D off
Ah shit, hope you get better soon. Evan's right though, come down for the craic.
I'll have the money to whoever I'm supposed to be giving money to by Monday.

Mostly the top one looks like Jer. the bottom one is just cute!
It may look cute but on closer inspection that dog is being confined to an ice box! What's going on there? Also, was it you who was talking about painting people's faces?