O ro the rosbeighbar the bar down in the vally'o! O ro the rosbeighbar the bar down in the vally'o!
and near that bar there was a box a cold box an ice box - a box near a bar and the bar down in the vally'o
O ro the rosbeighbar the bar down in the vally'o! O ro the rosbeighbar the bar down in the vally'o!
and in that box there was a room a cold room an ice room - a room in a box, a box near a bar and the bar down in the vally'o
O ro the rosbeighbar the bar down in the vally'o! O ro the rosbeighbar the bar down in the vally'o!
and in that room there was a .......... you can go pretty much anywhere you want from here
the lads were going the cold/ice route - which would end up:(scienticians could go further) ice in a freezer freezer in a room room in a box box near a bar bar down in the vally'o
but thats a bit boring i'd suggest we either go the bedroom or sittingroom route's
bedroom one could end up something like: taquila in the beer, beer on the oldie, oldie on the fresher, fresher under a dovett, dovett under the blanket, blanket under gear, gear on the bed, bed in the room, room in the box, box near the bar, bar down in the vally'o!!!
come up with your own sittingroom one i've done enough!!