Boats and Gear > Lost and Found
Christmas party left overs
--- Quote from: finch on December 04, 2009, 20:13:54 ---Green Scarf
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WOOPAAA.....thats mine! i thought it was lost forever after lambe stole it insisting it looked better on him!
i think some of that stuffs mine... il get it off u next time i see u! possibly the skirt and grey top
--- Quote from: Carla! on December 04, 2009, 22:58:28 ---i think some of that stuffs mine... il get it off u next time i see u! possibly the skirt and grey top
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what were you getting up to Carla?? ;)
--- Quote from: DNKY on December 04, 2009, 20:23:27 ---WOOPAAA.....thats mine! i thought it was lost forever after lambe stole it insisting it looked better on him!
--- End quote ---
hmmm... i think he might be right :D afro.gif
hmmm if by black top you mean cardigan then one of those might (hopefully) be mine...?
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