Author Topic: easkey?  (Read 39252 times)

Offline Fuzzy

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Re: easkey?
« Reply #60 on: May 04, 2010, 16:00:46 »
Quote from the document Kieran linked to:

"The centre of the field by the Castle has been ploughed and is inaccessible so we cannot use most of the field"

It also says:

In 2002 (approx) human sewage was spread on the Castle Field then ploughed over and abandoned. The field has become inaccessible.


The first point in their plan of action on page five is about getting the toilets working in time for the start of the Summer season, so as Kieran suggested it might not be a bad idea to get in touch with some of the people writng this document.

Offline caz

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Re: easkey?
« Reply #61 on: May 04, 2010, 16:47:40 »
Quote from the document Kieran linked to:

"The centre of the field by the Castle has been ploughed and is inaccessible so we cannot use most of the field"

Caroline, can you confirm/deny whether the camping field has been ploughed up?

No the camping field is fine that must be an old document  :o Getting in touch with the people involved is a good option but keep in mind we aren't the first or only people trying to tackle the toilet issue so the council is either unable or unwilling to do anything for years now. That said it wouldn't hurt to put a bit more pressure on them and see what happens.

If not we will have to tackle them ourselves and like I said I will make sure to visit again before June Bank Holiday.

Rachel you are right there is a tap available and once we unblock the toilets in a worst case scenario a bucket of water can be left by them or as Diarmaid said ask people to manually flush. However the question is at 3am when people are blind drunk can we trust that they will do this. The toilets could get blocked/trashed again and there will be one hundred odd people stranded in the middle of nowhere with no toilet facilities.

There was a letter in the latest issue of the Sligo Weekender (how I found out about toilets in the first place) by a group of locals calling for camping to be prohibited by the castle due to the anti-social behaviour and pollution it has attracted. As well as that there is already a commercial campsite in the area.

I don't want to sound too pessimistic but I have a feeling this better reflects the consensus of the council and locals regarding the area so make the best of this year as It might not happen again  :(

Offline kmck

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Re: easkey?
« Reply #62 on: May 04, 2010, 16:58:47 »
The area ploughed is the centre of the field we only ever camp near the walls not the centre of the field. If you look at pictures doesn't even have cars parked on it except up near the gate.

Offline colmnolan

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Re: easkey?
« Reply #63 on: May 05, 2010, 21:37:55 »
If it's looking rainy the Easkey I've heard is a good river but you'd want to find someone who knows it.
You'd need a good bit of rain to bother with it.
Not much of consequence on it. low trees in places.. and an undercut on left after the bridge drop that'd be nasty in high water.
some photos in low?(cant remember) water 8)

Offline Diarmaid

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Re: easkey?
« Reply #64 on: May 20, 2010, 14:32:49 »
So what's the story here? Is anyone actually going to Easkey? I know a bunch of people will be in the Alps and I see an oldie bbq organised that weekend... so who's going to Easkey?

Offline kmck

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Re: easkey?
« Reply #65 on: May 20, 2010, 14:44:49 »
I have no idea what my plans are, what oldie thing with the fire and the cooking of the meat in a non inside kinda of way? I know there is a thing with the fire and the cooking of the meat in a non inside kinda of way next weekend but easkey isn't until the June Bank Holiday.

Offline Diarmaid

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Re: easkey?
« Reply #66 on: May 20, 2010, 22:28:27 »
yeah got mixed up and thought the bank holiday was earlier than it actually is.

Offline FINN

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Re: easkey?
« Reply #67 on: May 22, 2010, 12:01:45 »
Saw this on facebook!/group.php?gid=117914644906352
They have a survey which could be submitted to whoever decides what happens, its pretty short so give it a go
I personally would prefer not to see a hostel there, I think all they need are proper toilets, a hostel would ruin it!

Offline Carla!

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Re: easkey?
« Reply #68 on: May 25, 2010, 15:27:21 »
is it happening?
need to tell work in advance when i cant work if it is....
please someone shed some light!

Offline Diarmaid

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Re: easkey?
« Reply #69 on: May 25, 2010, 19:05:14 »
Having seen the photos on that facebook group, I'm now inclined to say I won't be there. Didn't realise the field was actually full of couches and crap like that.

I'll see what different people are up to but if nothing else comes up I might just try to get a small group to head to Teletubbyland for the weekend or something.

Offline JODY

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Re: easkey?
« Reply #70 on: May 25, 2010, 20:26:12 »
Pretty sure the rubbish & couches have always been there... over on the far side of the field, its the remains of what was once a caravan from what i remember.

I'm up for going somewhere else for a day or 2 , teletubby land if the hole at Clifden is working otherwise somewhere with better surf :)

Offline Carla!

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Re: easkey?
« Reply #71 on: May 25, 2010, 22:07:26 »
what is tellytubby land?

Offline Diarmaid

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Re: easkey?
« Reply #72 on: May 25, 2010, 22:17:31 »
It's this awesome secluded beach that looks like the set of Teletubbies, really nice setting, loads of room, really nice beach with some surf. no facilities though. there's a pub and a Gala shop but not really within walking distance.

I can't tell you where it is. it's a secret.

Offline JODY

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Re: easkey?
« Reply #73 on: May 26, 2010, 01:14:23 »
If people go to Teletubby land please please please be extra vigilant with cleaning up & leaving no sign you were there!!!

Had a farmer giving out last weekend there were people out camping leaving toilet paper around their camp site! It wont take much for the guys who graze their sheep there to kick up a fuss & stop camping there too.... lets not let another great spot get ruined :)

Offline caz

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Re: easkey?
« Reply #74 on: May 31, 2010, 11:25:21 »
Sorry I should have got back to this sooner, I haven't been in Easkey since the May Bank holiday so personally I don't know what the story is. According to the facebook group the toilets are out of action but they seem to be organising picnics etc there so I don't know. I will email someone from the proposal group and ask what the story is. 'Officially' they are closed off.

I am open to moving the party somewhere else, tellytubby land if the group is small. Is there a large group of paddlers this year? Is there still a demand for this? I wasn't at Easkey last year so I don't know if things are still the same. If you're really stuck there is the Rory Gallagher festival in Ballyshannon, I went last year and it was absolutely brill. Also you would have donegal surf near(ish)

Ahhh tellytubby land - when I tried to explain it to my dad his reply 'riiiight so basically you got drunk and passed out on a golf course'  lol afro.gif