Author Topic: Stuff ive lost  (Read 10001 times)

Offline Sara

  • Posts: 782
Stuff ive lost
« on: January 05, 2004, 11:09:59 »
1) Hairbrush
2) Dignity
3) Showergel
4) Shame
5) Socks
6) More Dignity........ Good riddence to it all!!!

.....I dont expect to get any of these back.... just thought i'd list whats gone! :)

Eoin...I think

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Stuff ive lost
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2004, 12:32:13 »
1) Partial memory
2) Lotsa brain cells
3) a black sock, and a grey sock, which means I'm wearing mismatching socks at the moment.