Boats and Gear > Lost and Found

Lost Phone from the weekend

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Hey guys, I lost my phone on saturday night around 2.

Somebody picked it up and textd a load o number on my phone saying "i love you".

Didn't find the phone on sunday morning so any chance any1 remembers sending that text off my phone?

Its a nokia and has a picture of peegor as the wall paper. Thanks


Peter O'Sullivan:
I left my light blue travel towel drying over the banister on the top floor. Any chance it made it to the lost and found?

Your phone's in the Green Door!! They called Christine cause she had called it recently. Yay, lost phone found.  ;D

Peter O'Sullivan:

--- Quote from: Peter.TCD on October 18, 2010, 11:25:13 ---I left my light blue travel towel drying over the banister on the top floor. Any chance it made it to the lost and found?

--- End quote ---

Towel has been found.


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