Author Topic: Attention erasmus and emigrated paddlers!  (Read 22130 times)

Offline Peter O'Sullivan

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Re: Attention erasmus and emigrated paddlers!
« Reply #15 on: October 04, 2011, 07:31:50 »
Heli boating is amazing. 15min in the air. Paddled the North Branch of the Mokihinui river, about 28km in one day. Its in this,+West+Coast,+New+Zealand&hl=en&ll=-41.524001,172.171555&spn=0.108984,0.264187&sll=-43.532054,172.636225&sspn=0.844292,2.113495&vpsrc=6&geocode=FUz7hf0dWVBACg&hnear=Seddonville,+West+Coast,+New+Zealand&t=h&z=13
remote part of the world Pity I forgot the memory card for my camera.