Boats and Gear > Lost and Found


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--- Quote from: Cathy on January 10, 2011, 16:21:19 ---Lost - Pair of black togs, 2 aqua stripes down the sides of them. Left them in Nuala's house in the dining room. Anyone pick them up???

--- End quote ---

I found them! Brought them back to Dublin and have them safely in my wardrobe, forgot to include them when I posted about the mitten before! I could bring them to UCD for you next week if that's any good?
If not PM me and we'll work out some sort of drop off :)

Awesome, thanks Maryanne. Yup, I'm around UCD all the time again so I could meet you at the board any day next week or whenever suits you!!

lost i think...

pair of navy blue converse rip offs from dunnes

I haven't been able to find my helmet or spraydeck in a while...the last place I saw them for sure was Kerry. It's possible they got misplaced in the violent forced migration of belongings that's been going on at home (painters in) but just in case:

-blue sweet wanderer helmet with endearing eyes drawn on, grey and red noseclip attached
-black seals deck
-last seen in a blue MEC drybag

my name and phone number/email address are on all of them.

Lot my Smirnoff hoodie  :( :'(


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