Hey folks,
so polo went pretty well and people seemed to really enjoy it.Well done to all and especially to all of you who had never played before - smashing chaps!
Now that we're interested again I think it's time to start talking about training. There aren't any free training times in the DCPL pool but I have to say that the Dodder really is looking
very appealing these days ( the evenings are getting lighter and the cold less noticable, woot!). I was tricking about with the goals down there so that we can have a fisherman friendly (proof) way of having goals. Now...training?
We've got two weeks until we've got more games, so when would people like to train and how often? We've got a few more people now so getting a critical mass together should be a bit easier. If we can't find a time that suits everyone then that's a pity, but I think that we should go ahead anyway.
Personally I can do
Tuesday after three or
Friday or Saturday this week. If we can all decide on a set day then I can get that off every week, especially if it's after three. The latest that we could train at the moment is until about 18.30, but this will 19.30 after the clocks change next week.
Balls: Does the club have money for buying a few more balls? These would really help training.
I was looking up some training stuff online - I thought
this site has loads of really great stuff and is well worth taking a while to look at.
Also, a few videos...because
everything looks better in slow motion;
If people aren't free for formal training, how about one or two of heading down for some fitness/ball work? Something like a kick-around, only in boats.
What does everyone think?