UCD Canoe Club

General => Kayaking => Topic started by: Tiny Tim on April 14, 2011, 21:47:59

Title: UCD Polo: Match tomorrow (fri 15/4/11)
Post by: Tiny Tim on April 14, 2011, 21:47:59
hi team!
Just reminding everyone we have 2 match tomorrow in cabra at 5 to ten and half 10.
see you all tomorrow!
Title: Re: UCD Polo: Match tomorrow (fri 15/4/11)
Post by: Carla! on April 14, 2011, 21:51:56
hey- how are people getting in? my spanish exam finishes at 7 in the blackrock test centre... not sure how to go about getting to cabra from there?
Title: Re: UCD Polo: Match tomorrow (fri 15/4/11)
Post by: Matt on April 14, 2011, 21:59:41
I have some of the gear in my house - I'll drop it to the boathouse in the morning for ye
Title: Re: UCD Polo: Match tomorrow (fri 15/4/11)
Post by: Tiny Tim on April 14, 2011, 22:02:56
thanks boss! im not too sure carla, u could try bus it from blackrock to ucd and get the bus from there or maybe go from town?
Title: Re: UCD Polo: Match tomorrow (fri 15/4/11)
Post by: Eoghan on April 14, 2011, 22:33:03
hey sorry carla, my phone is wrecked and meteor won't open for me - i'm cycling most likely!

I'd say you could get a bus to town pretty handy and then bus out or just bus to ucd! i don't know what buses serve blackrock-ask livia thats her campus  :)

time to put 2 back to back wins together guys...  :)
Title: Re: UCD Polo: Match tomorrow (fri 15/4/11)
Post by: Gareth on April 14, 2011, 22:44:48
Hey Guys
I'm not going to be able to make it tomorrow night, sorry :(
Title: Re: UCD Polo: Match tomorrow (fri 15/4/11)
Post by: Matt Flood on April 15, 2011, 00:29:55
hey- how are people getting in? my spanish exam finishes at 7 in the blackrock test centre... not sure how to go about getting to cabra from there?

If my memory serves me correctly, its not that much of a walk from the blackrock test centre to the N3. If you got a 46a to Hanlons Corner, its only another 10 min walk to the pool....

Oh, and guys, make sure ye have enough people. Youre missin ley ley and gar, and possibly michael Halton too  :-\
Title: Re: UCD Polo: Match tomorrow (fri 15/4/11)
Post by: Carla! on April 15, 2011, 01:25:05
me dave and eoghan are definite... il talk to micheal tomorrow... maybe we should see if we can recruit an extra (non affiliated) person mwahahaah
Title: Re: UCD Polo: Match tomorrow (fri 15/4/11)
Post by: Livia on April 15, 2011, 09:17:33

Here is a map to get to the Blckrock Eamination Centre
 http://www.ucd.ie/registry/assessment/student_info/blackrock.pdf (http://www.ucd.ie/registry/assessment/student_info/blackrock.pdf)

Well I'd say you take the 17 up to Belfield or walk to the N11 and take the 46a to Belfield... not many options  :( Sorry!
Title: Re: UCD Polo: Match tomorrow (fri 15/4/11)
Post by: Carla! on April 15, 2011, 09:38:21

Here is a map to get to the Blckrock Eamination Centre
 http://www.ucd.ie/registry/assessment/student_info/blackrock.pdf (http://www.ucd.ie/registry/assessment/student_info/blackrock.pdf)

Well I'd say you take the 17 up to Belfield or walk to the N11 and take the 46a to Belfield... not many options  :( Sorry!
Thanks  :)
Title: Re: UCD Polo: Match tomorrow (fri 15/4/11)
Post by: Livia on April 15, 2011, 11:41:33
@ Carla, you are very welcome!

I won't be there tonight. I have a lot on my desk and the photos are screaming for attention. Philip and I have been fairly busy this week. We will do our best to get everything done hopefully this weekend for new awesome pictures of the last match :)

Tonight: GO UCD!!!  ^-^
Title: Re: UCD Polo: Match tomorrow (fri 15/4/11)
Post by: Carla! on April 15, 2011, 13:15:37
Hey- Micheal O' brien said he would play and Dave says Rachel is too, haven't heard from micheal halton, but we definitely have a team of 5 anyway!  afro.gif
Title: Re: UCD Polo: Match tomorrow (fri 15/4/11)
Post by: M1XR on April 15, 2011, 13:21:01
cool carla, i will get the 39a with you people..... hopefully there will be a v big boat that will fit  ???
Title: Re: UCD Polo: Match tomorrow (fri 15/4/11)
Post by: Matt Flood on April 15, 2011, 14:33:29
Hey guys, I wont be able to get the bus with ye. So I made this map for people to use for getting to the pool...
I hope this works/helps  :-[
http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=205515937537325376011.0004a0f44ba908d7ad63e&ll=53.351678,-6.257229&spn=0.074287,0.152264&z=13 (http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=205515937537325376011.0004a0f44ba908d7ad63e&ll=53.351678,-6.257229&spn=0.074287,0.152264&z=13)
Title: Re: UCD Polo: Match tomorrow (fri 15/4/11)
Post by: Tiny Tim on April 15, 2011, 14:41:18
ha ha ha thats brilliant mat!!! its hilarious and very detailed and accurate.

this should be on the new board.
Title: Re: UCD Polo: Match tomorrow (fri 15/4/11)
Post by: M1XR on April 15, 2011, 14:45:02
thanks god i had that map, i so would have crossed the road wrecklessly and without consideration if i had not seen it. THANK YOU matt flood
Title: Re: UCD Polo: Match tomorrow (fri 15/4/11)
Post by: Carla! on April 15, 2011, 16:00:42
hahaha!!!!! This is a very good map. Just short of putting out some coloured lines leading from ucd to the pool like in the arts block  ;)

we might have to bring the gear with us on the bus... so maybe for people getting the bus we can meet at the boathouse at some stage and head from there?... il be back in ucd after 7. our first match isnt until 9.55 aparently
Title: Re: UCD Polo: Match tomorrow (fri 15/4/11)
Post by: Livia on April 15, 2011, 16:09:30
Hey guys, I wont be able to get the bus with ye. So I made this map for people to use for getting to the pool...
I hope this works/helps  :-[
http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=205515937537325376011.0004a0f44ba908d7ad63e&ll=53.351678,-6.257229&spn=0.074287,0.152264&z=13 (http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=205515937537325376011.0004a0f44ba908d7ad63e&ll=53.351678,-6.257229&spn=0.074287,0.152264&z=13)

Matt, you are a legend! Good man :)
Title: Re: UCD Polo: Match tomorrow (fri 15/4/11)
Post by: Tiny Tim on April 15, 2011, 16:21:47
we might have to bring the gear with us on the bus... so maybe for people getting the bus we can meet at the boathouse at some stage and head from there?... il be back in ucd after 7. our first match isnt until 9.55 aparently

Im getting a lift so i can take the gear. Im not sure if its the van or the black panther so im not sure yet if i can give lifts but ill let u know when i do.
Title: Re: UCD Polo: Match tomorrow (fri 15/4/11)
Post by: micheal h on April 15, 2011, 19:22:21
what time are people thinking of getting the bus over at?
Title: Re: UCD Polo: Match tomorrow (fri 15/4/11)
Post by: Eoghan on April 15, 2011, 20:00:11
i is cycling...carla is thinking of getting the bus i think...mob 8) is getting on in town..