UCD Canoe Club
General => Kayaking => Topic started by: kmck on September 05, 2011, 10:47:46
Who'd be up for a little paddle saturday, knock off some rust, practice some rescues and get wet. I am thinking a long trip in wicklow if it rains for a bit buckies to rathdrum long paddle but can be fun with a little water. Failing that a boyne hop all this depends on how much wet stuff falls from the sky. If we get a few more days like yesterday it should be good to go.
yes, yes, yes! Count me in! ^-^
I say we paddle, I say wicklow no matter what the water levels as I was down at the liffey this morning and while it had risen, it hadn't risen all that much. Meanwhile in wicklow there has been rain so it will be a scrap but so will everything else.
Maybe...i'v never been to wicklow, want to try it though ...
If i can make it in time..i'v been sleeping in very late the least few days.
Boathouse at 10 is it?....
i dont have internet in my house, useing UCDs now..so ring/text 0876773029 if its something else.
hopefully i'll be there.
Wicklow hasn't actually seen a lot of rain in the last while except for that one day earlier this week so i won't get my hopes up.....
talked to kieran, apparently there is water. :)