UCD Canoe Club

General => Kayaking => Topic started by: Maryanne on February 09, 2012, 23:25:00

Title: Varsities: Long Distance sign up
Post by: Maryanne on February 09, 2012, 23:25:00

Roll up roll up!

Sign up here if you'd like to compete for UCD in long distance at this year's varsities in Castlebar!

LONG DISTANCE SIGN UP SHEET! (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dDNkMnJYbFBfR05nZTdsaHZWRy1mQXc6MQ#gid=0)

Please note:
The list of categories shown in the sign up form is the full list of potential categories given to us by GMIT, however each category can only be run if a minimum of five colleges sign up to compete. Some categories are unlikely to be filled, so a "second preference" option is included in the form.

The second limiting factor is that UCDCC only own so many boats. We should be able to facilitate everyone to compete, however we do not own very many boats for any category other than GP. In the event that a category is over subscribed we will do our best to accommodate everyone, but may have to choose between competitors. We'll do our best to do this as fairly as possible, considering time spent training with UCDCC, attending club trips etc.

If anyone has any contacts who might be willing to lend us more high performance, touring doubles, K1 boats or canadian canoes, please get in touch with the committee to let us know.

If you have any concerns or queries about this, just email us or post up here.

For any new members, information on the committee (and indeed the club) can be found here:
http://www.ucdcanoeclub.com/index.html (http://www.ucdcanoeclub.com/index.html)

This is a number you get when you become a member of the Irish Canoe Union, if you are not a member yet, write "0".
Note: an ICU number is also required if you play polo in the DCPL, so it's well worth becoming a member.
Title: Re: Varsities: Long Distance sign up
Post by: Garbhan on February 09, 2012, 23:50:24
When does this need to be submitted for (and can I outfit a boat first)??
Title: Re: Varsities: Long Distance sign up
Post by: Maryanne on February 09, 2012, 23:59:58
hey! was trying to sign up there but don't think i've an ICU number? do i have to get one nd that to compete?! xooroisiiin

Wups! Meant to explain that one before, write 0 for the minute and we'll try and get everyone signed up asap.

When does this need to be submitted for (and can I outfit a boat first)??

Hmm...the sooner you submit the better (it's due yesterday).
Would indicating a first and second preference work?
Title: Re: Varsities: Long Distance sign up
Post by: M1XR on February 10, 2012, 04:15:05
m to the i to the c to the h to the e to the a fada to the l signing upYes i am drunk
Title: Re: Varsities: Long Distance sign up
Post by: CormacR on February 10, 2012, 04:30:55
Title: Re: Varsities: Long Distance sign up
Post by: Tiny Tim on February 10, 2012, 11:28:20
i can probably get a touring double, and canadian. id be up for long distance but obviously if theres any limit on places etc just give it to a fresher instead.
Title: Re: Varsities: Long Distance sign up
Post by: DervM on February 10, 2012, 13:06:15
I play DCPL already, but I've no idea whether we've got CI membership yet? I've no idea what boat I'm taking yet either, gonna just enter hp 1st choice, wavehopper 2nd?
Title: Re: Varsities: Long Distance sign up
Post by: Eoghan on February 10, 2012, 14:11:25
i can probably get a touring double, and canadian.

that would be grrreat!
Title: Re: Varsities: Long Distance sign up
Post by: Bill C on February 10, 2012, 14:29:53
Long distance: the  last battle of Varsities!
Title: Re: Varsities: Long Distance sign up
Post by: Garbhan on February 10, 2012, 14:41:49
I have put down MHP as 1st and MGP as 2nd but if that doesn't seem right/ there isn't enough boats I wont mind changing. I also hope to outfit a boat tomorrow but if I can't I will do so early on next week. :blank: :blank:
Title: Re: Varsities: Long Distance sign up
Post by: Eoghan on February 10, 2012, 14:53:39
Long distance: the  last battle of Varsities!

the battle to win the war...
Title: Re: Varsities: Long Distance sign up
Post by: Amanda on February 10, 2012, 14:57:16
I have clearly been sitting inside not getting cold and wet for far to long and for some reason think this could be fun . . .

Can someone check if I can actually take part as I am a part time student.
Title: Re: Varsities: Long Distance sign up
Post by: kmck on February 10, 2012, 18:28:20
Do you have a student card number, joined the club and willing to get a CI number?
Title: Re: Varsities: Long Distance sign up
Post by: Maryanne on February 10, 2012, 23:44:28
I have clearly been sitting inside not getting cold and wet for far to long and for some reason think this could be fun . . .
Can someone check if I can actually take part as I am a part time student.

Do you have a student card number, joined the club and willing to get a CI number?

That'd all make you eligible, technically, if you got it all done by midnight Sunday.
Title: Re: Varsities: Long Distance sign up
Post by: ejok on February 11, 2012, 23:37:33
this shall be feckin brill   ;D
Title: Re: Varsities: Long Distance sign up
Post by: MarieH on February 12, 2012, 15:58:59
I put myself down for HPW 1st preference and GPW 2nd preference, I'm assuming that this is ok but if not let me know. Also if there are a shortage of boats no worries.
Title: Re: Varsities: Long Distance sign up
Post by: Kerry Gold on February 13, 2012, 00:13:18
filled up that thing, didnt know what to say to some things, guess ill need to short out a boat so at some stage
Title: Re: Varsities: Long Distance sign up
Post by: Jean Kelly on February 13, 2012, 14:12:59
ye sorry about th late sign up... was kinda confused about things which were kindly explained to me @ the board...  :)
Title: Re: Varsities: Long Distance sign up
Post by: Bill C on February 13, 2012, 16:40:02
Deadline for entering competition:
6pm today!

So, if you haven't done so already, please fill in Maryanne's lovely entry form:


Long distance is our big send off, and it's really worth everyone competing in and showing our numbers!

Peace, out.
Title: Re: Varsities: Long Distance sign up
Post by: Bogger on February 14, 2012, 03:02:28
I'm too late with this (http://forum.ucdcanoeclub.com/index.php/topic,10445.0.html), right?