UCD Canoe Club
General => Kayaking => Topic started by: Douchier on March 12, 2012, 21:08:54
Hey folks!
So...I'm free on Wednesday and would like to go paddling. Anyone interested? I was thinking of trying to get to Suice (or maybe Stackallen if it Sluice isn't working). These are both play-boating spots so there's going to be plenty of capsizing. This is good practice for rolling, but if you're not rolling or have only rolled once in the pool etc. then it could be a long day.
Anyone interested?
Anyone able to drive?
Let's focus on that last one again, it's really important. Drivers
If you'll be wanting to borrow club gear for this then you're going to need to ask the committee. (they're under no obligation to say yes by the way.)
Did I mention fun?
It'll be fun.
And great for practical practice.
I like pie.
The one day I can't. For people who live in the same house, we need to learn to communicate better.
Sounds good. No sense waiting for the drought to end. I'm no help on the driving front mind.
I drive.
I kayak.
I'll get back to you, but I could be up for an excursion.
How wold thursday suit? I could try and give that a go?
I can also do evening things, but they have to be utterly faff free and military precise to get there for daylight.
I also think sluice is more likely to be ruining at the mornings at th
e moment.
Nah, sluice is sometimes mornings, sometimes evenings at the moment: difficult to predict. I am game for some Thursday action.
Hmmm....no freshers seem to have signed up for this. Does that mean that you're all busy studying? Or perhaps I made it sound a little daunting.
There are loads of you that are up to this. I you're not sure then just ask or send some of us a PM or text to ask. thinking about doing a L3 soon? This be good practice right her...
i'm gonna be really busy for the next 8 weeks but I will be up for military organisation paddling from time to time so I'd appreciate being kept informed but certainly not a definite... :)
alas this week is not good. silly work.... grrrr..... if only all the hookers i use weren't so damn expensive...
i'd be up for it, i drive, although unfortunately I drive from co. meath
i also would need gear...
Ah...do you think you would be interested in driving from Meef, to the the boathouse and then on to paddledom?
Does tomorrow suit you or would you prefer Thursday?
as it turns out, i'm not able to drive anywhere this week, sorry :(
i'd still be able to go, but i'd have to cycle get the bus, and someone would have to get gear for me :P
I'm incredibly lethargic at the minute, but I like kayaking and I'd like to demo a boat, so I'd be up for Wednesday/Thursday.
If I can go tomorrow I'll post up here with as much notice as I can give, likewise for Thursday (factors outside my control are limiting my access to el car).
I'd be driving and could take moi + 4 (although, 5 boats would be tricky...actually, I'd prefer just 4).
In Limerick until monday, unfortunately.
Is that a little f action we see there Niall? Are you modelling a new key?
Ah...do you think you would be interested in driving from Meef, to the the boathouse and then on to paddledom?
Yup, looks like this:
yea im in cork so wont be going......;
i pulled off so many aqua inversions, you should have seen it, that coupled with the stunning walking and re-entry into my boat was class
180 aqua inversions! Whoah! That's like THE it trick right now, doncha know. So proud of you Diarmuid.
oh ye actually went!!! now i get it! :D
jaysus fairplay to ya! :P
Diarmuid . You failed to mention your subsequential 180 suraqua rightation .
Diarmuid, we need to have a serious talk. My sources have told me that on missing your first roll attempt, you - now let me get this completely straight - let go of your paddles to try a hand roll instead. Oh dear, where to begin? GAAAAH! Diarmuid upright + no paddles = Diarmuid right back over again. Now, the gear in the skip was silly, but this is just a bad idea!
from now on we will enforce a strict policy of if you go for a hand roll and the river doesn't punch you in the face, first rescuer to you will...
only place that a hand roll could even be thought of is the pool below jacksons (assuming you've lost your paddles)
I second Eoghan's proposal. It's going into the safety and rescue protocol guidebook.
Bahahaha!!! :D
seems we should have this thread in the swims and quotes section! :D
yes, silly underwater me did
Ah Wednesday paddling...sluice-tastic!
Ah, Diarmuid did very well for his first time at the races! I believe he's the first fresher this year to come out and survive a private trip (I could be wrong) well, joint first, if you count Cormac...which many people don't... ZING!
Great day, Cormac's rescue skills got a sharpening and Diarmuid successfully engineered a scenario for me to test out the rescue capabilities of the boat I was demoing. WIN!
Ah, spring...love is in the air..between me and playboating...and playboats...especially this one boat in particular...by the end of the session I didn't even care it was pink anymore (LIES! That happened about 20 minutes in :laugh: )
Cormac's rescue skills got a sharpening
that and his empathy skills :P
are you implying that cormac also had a few mishaps? ;)
are you implying that cormac also had a few mishaps? ;)
http://youtu.be/7g9WjcGdxuM (http://youtu.be/7g9WjcGdxuM)
When do I not?
Shortly after her earlier flippant post Helena went on a freestyle session with UCC, let's see how she feels about that eh?
Cormac and myself did private trips in Kerry Maryanne... I think I survived ???.
Yeah but you're not a fresher you're a McAuley bred for paddling, it's instinct(said in Al maurray's pub landlord voice).
helenas ucc "freestyle" trip was eventful.... :D
did sluice (and yes, swam, fucked up my roll and someone landed on me when i nearly had it) then practised rolling and did it again...... then we had a "game" of possession polo..... which had 3 teams of unknown origin and 2 people doing freestyle in the middle of the pitch.......
random and a tad disorganised in typical UCC fashion, but my god the facilities are unreal... :o hot showers and all!!