UCD Canoe Club
General => Kayaking => Topic started by: Douchier on May 03, 2012, 14:43:44
Brilliant jer, I'm definitely up for that.
who's driving? Speak up you wonderful drivers!
If you're one of those people with a car but no racks, then there maybe a way we can help you out.
Who's up for running the annamoe on friday?
Paddling on friday:
Kyle (Driving)
Karen (driving, unless we can convince Marie)
Marie (could maybe drive)
Niall B
Driving Friday, 3 spaces.
i could do friday (tomorow) if there be a paddlin .
kjt> spot in your car if i could?
im just itching to go paddling. ...time?
What time are you guys thinking about for tomorrow? I could join you after about 2, ish, I finish at 1ish,
Driving Friday, 3 spaces.
What time are you thinkin kyle? iv a zam at 9.
i could do friday (tomorow) if there be a paddlin .
kjt> spot in your car if i could?
im just itching to go paddling. ...time?
Yup no probs. Not sure what time yet.
Karen I'm good for whenever, wanted to see when most people are about...?
Whenever really, earlier the better but if more people can make it after lunch I'll hold off....?
maybe half 12?
the time that suits me best is whenever your going
I'll be out of my exam (which is on campus) before 2pm, so I could be at the boathouse for 2pm. If this is too late for people, no worries. Also, I'm a driver with no roof rack so I could take advantage of whatever ye have up yer sleeves!
2 seems to suit everyone. Lets do this funky shnizzle.
Ps good job Maryanne!!
What stretch are you guys planning on running?
Any news on what levels are like? There's been a lot of rain.
I'd say annamoe bridge down to buckeys, or higher if there's water but I doubt it... You about?
No, I've an exam on Saturday and I'm pretty sick, so completely out.
Sorry guys turns out i wont make it :(
in relation to levels id say wicklow will have dropped a lot. it hasnt rained for a few days and it dropped very quick last week. probably doable though
I never posted about space, I have some. 2 in fact I believe maybe
howd you get on today guys? banterful? how are the levels?
Twas good craic, bit of a scrape from the bridge down. If I had the time tomorrow I'd head for troopers down, grand level for there
ps. Padddddddddddling!!!
who went? I have to live through others till next wednesday...
It was Niall, Karen, Kyle, Marie, Matt and myself. Good trip, well done all.
Photos of Niall paddling out of the hole and up Jacksons to follow. ;)
Some snaps of the day:
Annamoe (https://picasaweb.google.com/101686686984545404662/Annamoe4May2012?authuser=0&authkey=Gv1sRgCP2rytSbvcuqiAE&feat=directlink)
Niall paddling up Jacksons (https://picasaweb.google.com/101686686984545404662/PaddlingUpJacksons?authuser=0&authkey=Gv1sRgCO2d1u2IirH3IQ&feat=directlink) - you'll see here our very own Niall B paddling a clean line straight through the meat and finishing up at the top of Jacksons!!! Smooth 8)
Nice pictures. I find going backwards (and partly upside-down) over Jacksons makes things far more exciting!