UCD Canoe Club
General => Competitions and Training => Topic started by: Douchier on August 16, 2012, 16:36:18
Howdie folks!
So I think that it's about time that we all started learning the rules properly and training up as refs.
Hopefully reading these will help us all get a better idea. If you've got any questions about them then post them up and I'll try and find answers.
Short version (https://docs.google.com/open?id=0Bxg-NKPSpuKiUGdKM3huVkl6ejA)
Full version (http://www.canoeicf.com/dms/icf/documents/Rules-and-Statutes/2011-Rules/ICF-Canoe-Polo-Rules-2011/ICF%20Canoe%20Polo%20Rules%202011.pdf)
Becoming a referee:
Firstly you need to do a quick theory test to demonstrate that you have a reasonable grasp of the rules.
Then you need to do some practicals; they are usually done at outdoor competitions, a senior ref will
watch you over the course of a few matches and grade you as they see
Mike, whos job it is to make refs says: "If there is a group of people willing
to spend a day, we could organise a seminar type thing where we can
talk through rules and iron out any questions that you might have.
Then we can run the theory exam for anyone that wants to do it."
So that'd be cool. Who wants to become a ref?
Maybe me, I liked basketball reffing, then it all went wrong...
More pertinently, I'm not sure if I'll have time, but I'd love to hear someone explain the rules and ref signals.
When are you back Cillian?
Start looking at the rules now folks!
The short version is pertty short and the full version is actually a lot easier going than you'd expect ( especially if you just skip to the bits about gameplay). There's also a page near the back that has pictures to explain all of the signals.
im back now. but working full time (escalated quickly i know) but am free weekends. except this weekend (sailing) and next weekend (polo (hopefully)). so really if i were you i'd just ignore me, im a bit of a pain in the ass when it comes to timings right now.
I'd be up for it, even just to figure out what the hell is going on...
I'll do it, definitely
Me please
Hello Folks!
If we want to do the test to become trainee refs, then we can do that this Friday at the the DCPL!
It takes the format of a multiple choice quiz
It will consist a series of situations will be presented and you have to make judgments, based on your knowledge of the rules, but I'm told that it's mostly common sense.
I think there will also be some things thrown in like "What does this referee gesture mean" etc
Either way, it's all covered in the rules to which there are links above.
I reckon concentrating on the game-play rules and the diagrams for the hand-gestures.
Can everyone post up to say if you're available? Also anyone who hasn't signed up yet is completely welcome.
I'll do it definitely
i probably wont be able to, still not better.... but ill be getting a referee course with the ladies development anyway so itll be fine!!
if i get a chance to go over th rules before friday i will
Yes can I sign up plz? and ill be at dcpl on friday
Sorry, I can't go :(