UCD Canoe Club
General => Competitions and Training => Topic started by: Douchier on August 16, 2012, 17:51:44
Another home-town competition, catering to all your polo needs.
Takes place on the surprisingly nice Royal Canal in Phibsboro - here (https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=205593700982496396574.0004c4deeb1fab0dffe7f&msa=0&ll=53.357211,-6.300144&spn=0.072228,0.181789&iwloc=0004c63464bb66aba2a40).
I hope to be entering two teams like we did for the Docklands and also a Ladies team if there's enough interest.
You know the drill, sign up here:
Niall B
Jean (Saturday only)
Porterhouse North is also across the road, for all your import beer and micro-brewery needs.
im in!
Mise, le do thoil!
Ladies team!!!!!! where are ye?? :)
If I'm needed for the ladies team count me in! :)
Interested, buject to aforementioned annual roadtrip (dates to be conformed).
I'd be up for this
Can you put me down as a maybe for the moment...
think i heard on the grapevine that this may just be a one day comp again....
and if its not then i may not be there on the sunday...(electric picnic is calling! :) )
Put me down for sat. Flyin out to London Sunday mornin!
Team entered as above.
You a maybe or a maybe not Garbhan?
Oops I'm a bit late on this. Are you entering one team or two?
boating again ! awesome sounds like a plan :-)
Sorry about the late reply I'm a defo yes!
Sorry guys but it's loooking like I will have to pull out of Saturday's games - and maybe Sunday's. Will confirm for you tomorrow
More of the same from me I'm afraid, I'm going to a Canoeing Ireland four year strategic planning (http://forum.ucdcanoeclub.com/index.php/topic,10810.new.html#new) conference on Saturday morning, then to a huge family bbq for my cousin who's over from America for the first time in two years.
Sorry for pulling out :(
PS Hopefully there'll be time for a night out while he's over, it'd be great of a bunch of you could come! I'll text around once I find out.
Well, it's a pity...but on the other hand it does clear up the numbers issue.
Team updated as above.
so according to canoe ire page on facebook this is actually a one day comp, but on the second day there'll be a blitz where all players are mixed up into different teams and div 1 players are spread equally.... :) sounds like good craic to me! (when we did this in galway it was a great way to learn more polo as well as getting to know way more people too! so dont go backing out of the sunday session!! :)
duty at half 10, i can be there for that, anyone else?
match at half 11, please aim to be there for 11, it took us awhile to find it last time so if its your first time going google maps it! :)
only 3 teams in div B so wed better beat those cavan lads this time around.... :)
im driving if anyone needs a lift!
Mark is sick, he won't be there.
It looks like there's a lot of free pitch slots, so we can maybe play some practice matches in between?
Timetable (http://canoepolo.com/media/kunena/attachments/4613/PhizzTimetable.xls)
Map (https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=205593700982496396574.0004c4deeb1fab0dffe7f&msa=0&ll=53.289847,-6.803284&spn=1.057342,2.823486&iwloc=0004c63464bb66aba2a40)
As Helena said above, the format has changed:
One day main competition where UCD Supernova will play and gloriously beat the brave but ultimately hopeless opposition.
A mixed blitz competition. Put your names into a hat and they'll make the teams. Goals from Div.1 players are worth 1, from Div.2 players are worth 2 and Div.4 players are worth 4!
If you're interested in the blitz then post up here and I'll let Art know (if you haven't told him already) so that he can make up the the teams.
Team for tomorrow:
Players for Sunday: