UCD Canoe Club
General => Competitions and Training => Topic started by: Douchier on November 04, 2012, 14:58:44
Fuck yeah!!
The merciless, dominating force that is the UCD Space-Cadets have three matches this Friday
19.30 - Water Cannons vs. UCD Space Cadets
20.24 - Cavan Canoe Club vs. UCD Space Cadets
21.00 - Breffni Buoys vs. UCD Space Cadets
We're also on duty at 20.42
AND you'll get to meet my mum! - nevermind, getting stood up by my own mother...
Who's going to be there?
1. Cillian
2. Garbhan
3. Marie
4. Ross
5. Jean
6. Derv
8. Dave
9. Oisin
Thought I'd knock up a little timetable of who's playing when, just to streamline things on the night:
1st match - both halves- Ross, Jean. First Half only - Garbhan, Cillian. Second half only - Oisin, Dave.
2nd match - both halves- Oisin, Garbhan, Derv. First Half only - Ross. Second half only - Marie.
3rd match - both halves- Cillian, Dave, Marie. First Half only - Jean. Second half only - Derv.
(note: they're your player numbers listed beside your names, please remember them and wear those BA numbers when playing)
my furious polo skills will be exhibited to the max!!!
Meeeeee yeah buddy finally
in there like swimwear you know or in swimwear...
Polo? #YOLO ;D
Ya, I'll be around for this
Lets do this!
(I'm number 2 by the way)
seems im driving....
one space gone #engsocfag..... anyone else?
I'll take a space off you Helena please...
I'll head over with ya helena for a looksee
Will we bring some banners and stuff to cheer the guys on?
Actually - Will anyone who can bring a go-pro and/or camera and we'll try and get as much of it as we can?
il bring the gopro have a couple of batteries aswel so youll get lots of filming time.. il just bring the bag of goodies aswel we can decide what to use then on the night
I call photographer!! :)
Dibs water-boy!
Is there space left in your car Helena?
so thats oisin Ross diarmuid and Marie on my car..... Who's taking gear?
And what time is yer match?
First match is 19.30 I think...
The totts-meister said that he'd bring the gear.
Games at 19.30, 20.24 and 21.00
The space-cadets are also on duty for the second half of the night it seems.
That just involves two people keeping time and score and perhaps cajoling the odd person into reffing.
1st match - both halves- Ross, Jean. First Half only - Garbhan, Cillian. Second half only - Oisin, Dave.
2nd match - both halves- Oisin, Garbhan, Derv. First Half only - Ross. Second half only - Marie.
3rd match - both halves- Cillian, Dave, Marie. First Half only - Jean. Second half only - Derv.
Also in case anybody didn't notice this addition to the top post.
If anyone minds then we can switch it round a bit, but I thought it would be handy to have a plan for smoothness of operation. Everyone on the above gets the same amount of game-time.
You can cycle or you can get the 39A from campus and it stops right across from the pool.
its' here (https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=205593700982496396574.0004c4deeb1fab0dffe7f&msa=0&ll=53.363512,-6.302633&spn=0.032677,0.068836&iwloc=0004c6345644769fa4f07)
It's ok Helena, Cillian said he'd give me a lift. Cheers anyway :)
If were on duty that means a few people will be late to Ross's shindig... Me and diarmuid will be around to ref if ye dont want to and ill be leaving campus at half 6 for whoever is in my car... Marie i could prob pick you up on the way
is everyone ok for a lift?