UCD Canoe Club

General => Competitions and Training => Topic started by: Douchier on December 04, 2012, 19:30:11

Title: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: Douchier on December 04, 2012, 19:30:11
Hello you lovely people!

Registration should be opening any minute now for the Galway-fest 2013!

That's right, the event that gave you this lovely image!

This is undoubtedly one of the most fun and most Buckfast-fueled events of the kayaking calender.
Register ASAP as places are limited; even if you're not sure that you can go, register.
Registration here (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dDY2MDN2MTRjRklhWlBsS0VoT3ZGblE6MQ#gid=0)

The event will be on two days and consist of a freestyle competition and a whitewater race.

Freestyle will hopefully be at Tuam(Guide (http://wiki.iww.ie/index.php/Tuam_Hole), Video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=quITTCdpGFI)), with Clifden(Guide (http://wiki.iww.ie/index.php/Clifden_Hole), Video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQNEOAKi_VQ)) being the back-up. Both great features, Tuam especially is very friendly whilst allowing you to pull off a full bag of tricks. Both excellent spots.

The whitewater race will be on the Boluisce(Guide (http://irishwhitewater.com/river_guide/river.php?id=27), Video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7pZCXnnDnA)- video conveniently shows many of the lines not to take) - probably from the campsite down to Spidal. This stretch is pretty comparable to running the Annamoe without jacksons.

I think that the big plus to this event is that's it's much more accessible than something like the Flesk Race or the Clare Glens race and I hope to see loads of people from here competing. If you've any questions then post them up here or send me a PM

and sure, here's another video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfNw9FlnDyM&list=UUnBJsPd6EokHdq4U9qX9qww&index=10&feature=plcp).

Representing UCDCC at Galwayfest:
Niall Bouchier
Cillian Totterdell
Niall Finch
Cormac Roche
Ross Kerrigan
Marie Harrington
Derv McAuley
Bill Corbett
Karen Vejsbjerg
Matt Enright
Nuala McAuley
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: Chunderdragon on December 04, 2012, 20:05:14
id be up for it! definitely the whitewater, perhaps the freestyle too
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: Niall Finch on December 04, 2012, 20:11:08
Providing I'm backl to full "fitness" I'd be well up for it ! Do we know when its to be held ?

EDIT - Never mind just saw the dates
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: Chunderdragon on December 04, 2012, 20:17:01
im registered!
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: Niall Finch on December 04, 2012, 20:38:37
im registered!

Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: CormacR on December 04, 2012, 21:32:26
im registered!


Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: Ross on December 04, 2012, 22:23:09
Any idea how much it is to enter?
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: Chunderdragon on December 04, 2012, 23:27:54
it says on the form!
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: Douchier on December 04, 2012, 23:34:33
You should all definitely do the freestyle! It'll be a fun competition format so you get points for things like paddle-found and blowing kisses at the judges. You'll be able to pull off those moves that you've been learning much more easily than at stackallen.

Hell, it's worth out just to get on a new feature and have a new set of experiences!

The freestyle is also the that's more likely to  have limited numbers, do you might not have the option of changing your mind
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: Douchier on December 04, 2012, 23:35:50
im registered!



now do I get a car?
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: CormacR on December 04, 2012, 23:43:39
Niall, I didn't register for freestyle and am now regretting it after your wonderful sales pitch. What are my options?
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: Douchier on December 04, 2012, 23:56:44
Email them - galwayfest@gmail.com

Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: Ross on December 05, 2012, 00:30:04
it says on the form!

Oh, my bad, completely missed that.

Registered for both, so
im registered!



Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: oisin.mchugh on December 05, 2012, 12:35:07
Hey look I just found this amazing video editing is class and who ever did it looks like a class paddler haa :P


(Had to be done ;))
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: MarieH on December 05, 2012, 12:46:58
Hey look I just found this amazing video editing is class and who ever did it looks like a class paddler

We won't be long taking you off your high horse at Kerry Mr. Mchugh!!!
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: Tiny Tim on December 05, 2012, 14:27:22
We've already got i-phone dickhead i think we really need go pro dickhead :P
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: MarieH on December 05, 2012, 14:31:27
I'm signed up!!
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: DervM on December 05, 2012, 15:08:57
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: Chunderdragon on December 05, 2012, 15:28:44

and sure, here's another video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfNw9FlnDyM&list=UUnBJsPd6EokHdq4U9qX9qww&index=10&feature=plcp).

id that karen i spot here? http://www.youtube.com/watch?list=UUnBJsPd6EokHdq4U9qX9qww&v=yfNw9FlnDyM&feature=player_detailpage#t=105s (http://www.youtube.com/watch?list=UUnBJsPd6EokHdq4U9qX9qww&v=yfNw9FlnDyM&feature=player_detailpage#t=105s)
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: Douchier on December 05, 2012, 16:20:27
Hey look I just found this amazing video editing is class and who ever did it looks like a class paddler haa :P

https://vimeo.com/53893595 (https://vimeo.com/53893595)

(Had to be done ;) )
Ha! nice one sir,

I considered putting yours up but the other one showed what's going to be the course on the day, even if the standard of paddling isn't the best...

I think it's going to be a great event.
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: Douchier on December 05, 2012, 20:54:56
As a matter of interest, why are people hesitant about doing the freestyle?
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: CormacR on December 05, 2012, 21:38:59
Crippling self doubt
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: Diarmuid on December 05, 2012, 22:16:53
Crippling self doubt

Couldn't put it better myself
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: Chunderdragon on December 05, 2012, 22:18:30
Crippling self doubt

also Lack of boat, and if i did have a boat, bringing two boats down. doing the river in a playboat = #shitcraic
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: Douchier on December 05, 2012, 22:24:06
Aw, you should all definitely go for it.

There'll be about ten people who are shit-hot and then everyone else will be pretty-much the same standard.
There'll probably be the odd person who brings a surf-board or an inflatable dinosaur - those guys might be laughed at, but you won't.

The two boats might be a pain, but you can deffo work something out. Perhaps ask Colm from 0-canoe can you demo a boat down there? Perhaps ask one of the locals can you borrow theirs.

Either way you should register for doing it and worry about the details later.
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: Diarmuid on December 05, 2012, 22:52:39
inflatable dinosaur sounds brilliant tbh
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: EllenMcG on December 05, 2012, 23:41:27
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: oisin.mchugh on December 06, 2012, 14:21:41
hey :( cant blame a guy for looking for views  :P

Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: Niall Finch on December 06, 2012, 15:33:42
hey :( cant blame a guy for looking for views  :P

 Ah now to be fair we can, and we will !
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: Diarmuid on December 06, 2012, 16:25:09
Hey look I just found this amazing video editing is class and who ever did it looks like a class paddler haa :P


(Had to be done ;))

Do you change your paddles for every video?

And I haven't seen your current set of paddles in there yet either...
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: oisin.mchugh on December 06, 2012, 16:43:06

Do you change your paddles for every video?

And I haven't seen your current set of paddles in there yet either...

Boluisce was in between losing h2o's and AT's i was borrowing them from a guy in limerick. Wales trip was inbetween paddles aswel. It's the same paddle in both videos just covered in insulation tap in the wales video
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: EllenMcG on December 06, 2012, 18:55:07
hey :( cant blame a guy for looking for views  :P

Never direct that weird little lick-y face man at me again Oisin...I will cut your tongue out...
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: CormacR on December 06, 2012, 19:10:28
Never direct that weird little lick-y face man at me again Oisin...I will cut your tongue out...

How's the studying going Ellen?
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: EllenMcG on December 06, 2012, 23:48:47
Never direct that weird little lick-y face man at me again Oisin...I will cut your tongue out...

How's the studying going Ellen?

Not well asshole.
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: oisin.mchugh on December 07, 2012, 00:22:55
Never direct that weird little lick-y face man at me again Oisin...I will cut your tongue out...

How's the studying going Ellen?

Not well asshole.

i think the study my be taking out the angry side of her cormac haa best to avoid all unnecessary contact till exams over haa
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: CormacR on December 07, 2012, 00:43:23
Silly Oisin. Now we poke the bear.

Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: Eoghan on December 07, 2012, 00:47:40
Silly Oisin. Now we poke the bear.

haha exactly...strike while the iron is hot...
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: Niall Finch on December 07, 2012, 09:11:28
Never direct that weird little lick-y face man at me again Oisin...I will cut your tongue out...

How's the studying going Ellen?

Not well asshole.

i think the study my be taking out the angry side of her cormac haa best to avoid all unnecessary contact till exams over haa

You have much to learn my young Padawan !

Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: Diarmuid on December 09, 2012, 18:04:25

Niall B in Galway Fest last year?

EDIT: Found another...
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: HelenaC on December 09, 2012, 19:04:23
wheres the pic of niall getting his paddles stuck in a bridge?  ;D

sorry niall, had to be said...  :P
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: Bill C on December 11, 2012, 00:45:37
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: Karen on December 12, 2012, 19:06:01
id that karen i spot here? http://www.youtube.com/watch?list=UUnBJsPd6EokHdq4U9qX9qww&v=yfNw9FlnDyM&feature=player_detailpage#t=105s (http://www.youtube.com/watch?list=UUnBJsPd6EokHdq4U9qX9qww&v=yfNw9FlnDyM&feature=player_detailpage#t=105s)


This event was super super fun! The whitewater race involved the start being hooshed off a bridge straight into the water (which was pretty flat at that section) and the final involved us starting on the bank in our gear and scrabbling to get into the boats to start.

The freestyle's also good craic. Much of the "bants" and the "lols" are had.
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: Chunderdragon on January 23, 2013, 10:43:34
bump! just got an email off the guys about the tshirt which reminded me about this event, i'd totally forgotten :P just worth penciling in so you don't schedule something else for the weekend!
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: Bill C on January 23, 2013, 15:13:58
Woop woop! The banter shall be had.
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: Maryanne on January 23, 2013, 17:22:48
Hey guys,
Could I ask for confirmation of who's going?
I've put a list at the top of everyone who said they'd signed up so far, if anyone else is going post up!

If you're not going to Galwayfest, come on the club trip that weekend, it's going to be amazing :D
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: EllenMcG on January 23, 2013, 18:29:25
Never direct that weird little lick-y face man at me again Oisin...I will cut your tongue out...

How's the studying going Ellen?

Not well asshole.

i think the study my be taking out the angry side of her cormac haa best to avoid all unnecessary contact till exams over haa

You have much to learn my young Padawan !


How did I only see this now?? Ha I hate you all...
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: CormacR on February 04, 2013, 14:52:20
For those non-regular email checkers we have to confirm attendance (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/15ZjUvDm02JA6YpEAjPdubekWdfgq-6L6c9Tp_7CY36U/viewform) so we do.
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: MarieH on February 04, 2013, 20:07:50
Done and dusted. Out of interest, what have people signed up to? The whole couch/floor offer for the Friday night is a nice offer.
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: Chunderdragon on February 05, 2013, 11:16:22
signed up to whitewater!

I was thinking just camp? it seems easier for a big group of us
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: HelenaC on February 05, 2013, 11:53:56
camping? in February?
wow yer nuts....

I must be worse coz I'm actually considering going for the banter.... :o
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: Niall Finch on February 05, 2013, 12:36:46
It's looking like I'll have to pull out of this hombres as I've just started a new job and asking for two weekends off in as many weeks isn't really an option
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: Douchier on February 05, 2013, 12:44:34
1: everyone do freestyle!

2: I'm with Helena, camping in Galway in Feb sounds really fucking cold. There's loads of hostels inGalway and they're good and reasonably priced - especially if we book as a group? Most importantly though...a hostel would be nearer the party!

3: You could even compete Helena..eh, eh?
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: Ross on February 05, 2013, 12:45:44
Yeah, sorry guys, I've pulled out too...
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: Diarmuid on February 05, 2013, 14:57:18
Yeah, sorry guys, I've pulled out too...

At least she's not pregnant so
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: Niall Finch on February 05, 2013, 17:26:42
Yeah, sorry guys, I've pulled out too...

At least she's not pregnant so

Filthy ! - also I call Katie on that one
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: HelenaC on February 05, 2013, 19:19:18
You could even compete Helena..eh, eh?

you're hilarious niall... simply comical... :D
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: MarieH on February 05, 2013, 19:27:54
I e-mailed the lad (Conor) who's been sending us the e-mails and asked him what the story was with accommodation for the Friday night. He said that they are having a meeting tomorrow night to discuss it in detail but there shouldn't be a problem with getting a place for the seven of us. This would only be for the Friday night because they can't cater for over 100 competitors on the Saturday night. So it's an option if people would be up for it.
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: Diarmuid on February 06, 2013, 00:47:10
Yeah, sorry guys, I've pulled out too...

At least she's not pregnant so

Filthy ! - also I call Katie on that one

You've little faith in me sir
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: HelenaC on February 06, 2013, 10:07:13
Yeah, sorry guys, I've pulled out too...

At least she's not pregnant so

Filthy ! - also I call Katie on that one

You've little faith in me sir

she is much funnier though.... :P
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: Bill C on February 13, 2013, 10:44:20
And I can go!!!!!!! WOOP WOOP!
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: Nuala on February 13, 2013, 11:17:23
Are you driving Bill?
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: Bill C on February 13, 2013, 11:44:47
Could be arranged oi guess!
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: Chunderdragon on February 15, 2013, 14:07:58
alas i'm gonna have to pull out of this, I don't have the money! sorry guys
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: DervM on February 15, 2013, 17:40:52
Can I have a lift too please Bill?
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: Matt on February 17, 2013, 22:30:47
See y'all there!
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: MarieH on February 19, 2013, 00:03:44
Lads what are ye doing for accommodation?
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: MarieH on February 19, 2013, 00:18:59
So I got an e-mail back from Conor. They're looking for numbers for Friday night. How many of us need a place to sleep? We'd still need to arrange a place for Saturday.
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: DervM on February 19, 2013, 00:26:43
I just emailed him earlier saying we've 7 going and will most likely need floorspace for Friday?


Bill said he was bringing a tent and/or would not mind sleeping in his car. I'm aisy.
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: MarieH on February 19, 2013, 00:29:04
I'll confirm with him to be sure so.
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: MarieH on February 21, 2013, 20:43:47
Hey guys
We all have accommodation on the Friday night. We're staying with a lad called Matthew Cosgrave. His number is 083-3zero0605three.
I've contacted him looking for directions and what time suits him for us to arrive at. Once I hear back I'll post it up here.
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: CormacR on February 21, 2013, 20:58:38
Research everybody! http://goo.gl/aZ3uC
Find out what he likes/ doesn't like.
Whether or not he take sugar in his tea.
If he prefers big or little spoon.

We have to impress!
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: Diarmuid on February 21, 2013, 21:11:41
I have mutual friends, 7!
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: CormacR on February 21, 2013, 21:16:29
4 :(
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: DervM on February 22, 2013, 00:01:27
Matt Flood has offered us all space for Friday and Saturday night too.

Thanks Matt!
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: Niall Finch on February 22, 2013, 09:29:25
I have 13 - not that it makes any difference !
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: Diarmuid on February 22, 2013, 09:44:47
I have 13 - not that it makes any difference !

such a show off
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: Niall Finch on February 22, 2013, 10:46:16
I have 13 - not that it makes any difference !

such a show off

Well Diarmuid, when you're the biggest swinging dick in a town you've got to let people know this !
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: Douchier on February 22, 2013, 11:21:22
I have 13 - not that it makes any difference !

such a show off

Well Diarmuid, when you're the biggest swinging dick in a town you've got to let people know this !

hehe, this is what I thought of when you said that you're " the biggest swinging dick in town" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQoLxsVV6vs)
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: MarieH on February 24, 2013, 21:40:00
GalwayFest was a huge success for UCD.

- Nuala McAuley, 3rd women's overall
- Cormac Roche, 3rd men's sport overall
- Karen Vejsbjerg, 3rd women's whitewater

This weekend was great craic, and we had some excellent paddling. It's something everyone should try do it next year.

Well done guys and gals!!
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: Maryanne on February 24, 2013, 21:49:15
GalwayFest was a huge success for UCD.

- Nuala McAuley, 3rd women's overall
- Cormac Roche, 3rd men's sport overall
- Karen Vejsbjerg, 3rd women's whitewater

This weekend was great craic, and we had some excellent paddling. It's something everyone should try do it next year.

Well done guys and gals!!

Great work everybody! Way to represent UCDCC :D

If we get a good high resolution photo (or more than one!) and send the UCD Sport page a message on facebook they'll put it up on their page!
Maybe a sentence or two describing the event and the races/events?
Everyone should know how class we are!
Just so people know it's a national competition that we aced ;)
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: DervM on February 24, 2013, 23:42:49
It's the third largest kayaking event in the country. We had 4 of the 19 girls in Whitewater, and 3 of the 9 in Freestyle.
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: MarieH on February 26, 2013, 10:28:55
The final results from the weekend are up!

Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: CormacR on February 26, 2013, 12:53:02
Ah, 7 people. If anyone heard a faint pop don't be alarmed.
It was only my bubble.
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: Bill C on February 26, 2013, 13:03:00
....I came 5th! Awoooooo! So yeah, moral of the story there is turn up and compete for freestyle whether you can actually freestyle or not! I sure can't but boy did I smile and wave at the judges.

Photos sorted, just deliberating over whether to put them on picassa or facebook
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: Peter O'Sullivan on February 26, 2013, 13:18:34
Photos sorted, just deliberating over whether to put them on picassa or facebook

Picasa of course.
Title: Re: Galway Fest 2013! - 23/24 Feb - register now!
Post by: Chunderdragon on February 27, 2013, 09:12:23
Photos sorted, just deliberating over whether to put them on picassa or facebook

Picasa of course.

If by picassa you mean facebook then yes. picassa.