UCD Canoe Club
General => Competitions and Training => Topic started by: Maryanne on January 17, 2013, 14:28:27
- Teams should go down the river in a group providing their own safety for each other.
- In the event of a swim teams are expected to retrieve the swimmer and gear (safety will be present at the main rapids if needed)
This doesn't make sense to me, it looks like sentences that were in the captain's pack from before it was changed to a time trial.
If the team run their timed trials together, that's cool, but if someone swims (no one on the UCD team will swim) it'd be more worthwhile points wise for their team mates to leave them and get fast times.
Is there any spec on boat regulations? What if I found a plastic slalom boat to use, could I use it?
Only modern plastic whitewater kayaks may be used, which have to be less than 9ft in length. They must have grab loops and structural centre pillars front and back. All boats must contain inflated airbags.
oh look :P i didnt see that thanks haa
- Teams should go down the river in a group providing their own safety for each other.
- In the event of a swim teams are expected to retrieve the swimmer and gear (safety will be present at the main rapids if needed)
This doesn't make sense to me, it looks like sentences that were in the captain's pack from before it was changed to a time trial.
If the team run their timed trials together, that's cool, but if someone swims (no one on the UCD team will swim) it'd be more worthwhile points wise for their team mates to leave them and get fast times.
I asked UL, their whitewater correspondant Eoin Keyes said:
Ok the wrong version of the captains pack was emailed out. The event is not being run in team format, rescue will be done by paddlers not on their competition runs.
One important point this year is that any swimmers will not be allowed to get back on the water after they are assisted by rescue, they must walk down to the finish line. This is because we are running everyone down the river individually so the time schedule is extremely tight with just 2 mins between racers and we cant risk having anyone interfering with paddlers on their race run who havnt swam.
Anyone who swims will be awarded a time 20 seconds slower than the slowest paddler to complete the course without swimming. The section of river we are using is only grade 2 so we anticipate few if any swimmers. There are a few nice moves and eddies on it though , ask your club captains for details.
half 6? baha! no point goin to bed!! :D
Can we just drive ourselves to the Anglers rest? There is loads of parking there. We would get an extra hour and a half in bed.
9ft = 2.743metres. Fairly short ( A dancer is 3.60m, a large karnali is 2.60m. )
I think they want only modern creekers as in the past people have used longer racing boats on sections like this, I know we did back in Benny's day and I think the last Limerick varsities as well. Also it stops people using slalom boats.
I don't blame them for the early start since they have the long distance in the afternoon.
Results are on line. https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B7VJOeLUh9sRQzFlWTVjaV90OWM/edit?usp=sharing (https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B7VJOeLUh9sRQzFlWTVjaV90OWM/edit?usp=sharing)
We were the fourth fastest team. I was the fourth fastest paddler.
Well done peter!
Great result ucd!! :)