UCD Canoe Club

General => Competitions and Training => Topic started by: Maryanne on March 12, 2013, 13:22:10

Title: Midterm pool session #2 - 14/03/13
Post by: Maryanne on March 12, 2013, 13:22:10
Second pool session of the midterm, who's going?

Are Supernova and Space Cadets training?

Attending 21:00-21:45 general practice:
01 Kate Barry
02 Katie McLoughlin
03 Marie Harrington
04 Conor Mohan
05 Deividas Rainys
06 Jean Kelly
07 Nadine Jones

Attending 21:45-22:30 polo training
01 Steven Mulrooney
02 Cillian Totterdell
03 Mark Ahern
04 Diarmuid Ryan
05 Stephen Corkery
06 Briain Gannon
07 Marco Forte
Title: Re: Midterm pool session #2 - 14/03/13
Post by: Kater on March 12, 2013, 14:01:57
I shall be there
Title: Re: Midterm pool session #2 - 14/03/13
Post by: KatieMcLoughlin on March 12, 2013, 14:17:10
Title: Re: Midterm pool session #2 - 14/03/13
Post by: MarieH on March 12, 2013, 14:56:43
Title: Re: Midterm pool session #2 - 14/03/13
Post by: Conor Mohan on March 12, 2013, 18:13:39
Absolutely - Need to roll with my eyes closed.
Title: Re: Midterm pool session #2 - 14/03/13
Post by: Scabidas on March 12, 2013, 18:29:43
Absolutely - Need to roll with my eyes closed.

Ill have your watch for you then :)
Title: Re: Midterm pool session #2 - 14/03/13
Post by: Conor Mohan on March 12, 2013, 18:35:31
Oh yeah - that'd be great! Thanks  :D
Title: Re: Midterm pool session #2 - 14/03/13
Post by: Steven Mul on March 12, 2013, 18:41:20
I'll be there and space cadets are planning on practicing our attack and defence moves as a team :)
Title: Re: Midterm pool session #2 - 14/03/13
Post by: Chunderdragon on March 12, 2013, 18:50:14
I'm there avec les space cadets
Title: Re: Midterm pool session #2 - 14/03/13
Post by: Maryanne on March 12, 2013, 19:39:30
I'm there avec les space cadets

Cool, so we'll call this one div 4 polo training night.
What about 21:30-22:30 for polo? That way if anyone else turns up they'll have some time to do what they like.

Alright with you if we get Supernova out too, both so there'll be enough people for all the boats and so that they try training?
Title: Re: Midterm pool session #2 - 14/03/13
Post by: Chunderdragon on March 12, 2013, 19:56:34
I dig!
Title: Re: Midterm pool session #2 - 14/03/13
Post by: Maryanne on March 12, 2013, 20:29:41
This night will be focused on polo training for Supernova and Space Cadets.
If there aren't enough players from those teams then there will be space left for other polo players who'd like a go at steppign up their game for a night!

Sign up accordingly!

Anyone interested in a roll clinic or freestyle coaching look at the two remaining pool sessions:
Title: Re: Midterm pool session #2 - 14/03/13
Post by: Kater on March 13, 2013, 08:27:21
okay I was going to be about 20 minutes late cause of another commitment but if this night is focused on polo then I'll come another night instead so I can get more out of it!
Title: Re: Midterm pool session #2 - 14/03/13
Post by: Jean Kelly on March 13, 2013, 08:31:38
Could I possibly attend! Havnt been around in a while and would love to get back in a boat!
Title: Re: Midterm pool session #2 - 14/03/13
Post by: Diarmuid on March 13, 2013, 09:42:40
Could I possibly attend! Havnt been around in a while and would love to get back in a boat!

of course!
Title: Re: Midterm pool session #2 - 14/03/13
Post by: Scabidas on March 13, 2013, 14:47:12
ill be there.
Title: Re: Midterm pool session #2 - 14/03/13
Post by: GrampaC on March 13, 2013, 16:37:32
I'll head along too if that's ok
Title: Re: Midterm pool session #2 - 14/03/13
Post by: Diarmuid on March 13, 2013, 17:46:12
I'll also be there
Title: Re: Midterm pool session #2 - 14/03/13
Post by: NadineJones on March 13, 2013, 23:06:16
Is it too late to sign up for just general practice?
Title: Re: Midterm pool session #2 - 14/03/13
Post by: Maryanne on March 13, 2013, 23:13:18
Is it too late to sign up for just general practice?

Nope, you're grand.
Title: Re: Midterm pool session #2 - 14/03/13
Post by: Maryanne on March 13, 2013, 23:17:04
There are only 14 people signed up, so as it stands there's no need to give a full hour to polo excluding the others.

We may as well split the time according to the sign up demand, which is half ad half polo & other.
General practice 21:00-21:45
Polo 21:45-22:30

Do you guys need all of the space for polo?
Do you have a plan?
Title: Re: Midterm pool session #2 - 14/03/13
Post by: Steven Mul on March 13, 2013, 23:19:50
Only need half poo; max...just wanna practice attack and defence positions together and some assing and dribbling drills :)
Title: Re: Midterm pool session #2 - 14/03/13
Post by: Maryanne on March 13, 2013, 23:22:09
Only need half poo; max...just wanna practice attack and defence positions together and some assing and dribbling drills :)

Cool stuff, you should have enough people for that.
Title: Re: Midterm pool session #2 - 14/03/13
Post by: Chunderdragon on March 14, 2013, 00:21:13
just wanna practice... some assing

I'd practice assing you any day ;)
Title: Re: Midterm pool session #2 - 14/03/13
Post by: Scabidas on March 14, 2013, 15:33:37
whoever is coming to the pool session this evening and has ordered stickers can they please bring the money with them !
Title: Re: Midterm pool session #2 - 14/03/13
Post by: Maryanne on March 14, 2013, 18:55:31
I've an assignment due at midnight that I've been putting off, it's come back to haunt me now, so I don't think I'll be able to go.
I've an assignment for tomorrow that reads articles from the Irish Times website, and they've changed the layout of their website so I've to rewrite chunks of it.
Looks like a fabulous night in for me.