UCD Canoe Club
General => Kayaking => Topic started by: Tiny Tim on April 01, 2013, 13:05:05
Howdy folks,
Has anyone thought about accomadation for paddlefest? What are peeps doin?
I've got a hostel space with Trinity Sarah :)
Staying at home and travelling down from there
If the weather continues not to snow and generally warms up I'd consider sleeping in the car / camping (maybe).
Otherwise, I guess I'll go looking for a hostel.
I'd stay in a hostel! But haven't booked anything
I'll be in Kilkenny Hostel, same one as Derv and Sarah
Yeah I think Ill get a hostel... its gone be cooooold!!!
Better wait till tomorrow after iv this prsentation done though
might sleep in the car if I drive, otherwise I dunno
Everyone come and stay in the hostel so we're not lonely!
Just to let ye know, I tried a lot of the hostels a few weeks ago and they mostly seemed to be booked out.
Im going down on friday evening and staying in the metropole hostel and staying somewhere else Saturday.
I booked Kilkenny hostel at about 12.30 today, they had only 4 spaces left!
I'm staying in Kilkenny Hostel, Friday night only
Does anybody have any contact details for any of the scout halls in Kilkenny?
Sorry guys, I know it's a bit off topic but I was just wondering would anyone have space to take back a surf board for me from paddlefest to the boathouse, I'd really appreciate it! :)