UCD Canoe Club

General => Competitions and Training => Topic started by: Steven Mul on May 06, 2013, 13:16:16

Title: Junior Liffey Descent
Post by: Steven Mul on May 06, 2013, 13:16:16
This thread is just for people who genuinely want to do the Junior Liffey Descent this year! Basically some people need boats and some need transport so if you are going to do it post up here whether you can drive or need a lift and whether you have roof racks for boats.

I'll start by saying I'm definitely interested in doing it but require transport to and from the race and also need to get a boat. Aoife you mentioned the possibility if getting boats?

The application form (with the course, and postal address) is here: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B1BGF35XclBZWE1mNHc1RkZBenc/edit (https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B1BGF35XclBZWE1mNHc1RkZBenc/edit)

Up for it!
Steven Mulrooney
Ross Kerrigan
Aoife Sheridan
Garbhan Gorman
Derv McAuley
Title: Re: Junior Liffey Descent
Post by: Diarmuid on May 06, 2013, 13:18:38
Remember to fill out the Gear Borrowing Form guys :)
Title: Re: Junior Liffey Descent
Post by: CormacR on May 06, 2013, 13:51:08
I'll borrow YOUR gear form
Title: Re: Junior Liffey Descent
Post by: Ross on May 06, 2013, 14:40:01
I am interested, would like a lift, and would like to borrow a boat from the club, possibly Lawrence...
Title: Re: Junior Liffey Descent
Post by: Garbhan on May 06, 2013, 14:48:42
I may have the car with roof racks, but I'm not going to hand out lifts until I know for sure. Also I'd like to borrow a club dancer if that's possible!
Title: Re: Junior Liffey Descent
Post by: DervM on May 06, 2013, 19:17:24
Think I'm potentially interested, also would like a lift. Would hope to be borrowing the Gola.
Title: Re: Junior Liffey Descent
Post by: Aoife S on May 06, 2013, 22:30:06
I'm up for it! Don't need to borrow anything but for now, I need a lift for me and my boat

Aoife you mentioned the possibility if getting boats?
Yup, just need to check to with him to see what's being used already for the race and if he's actually able to get them out to me/if I can get them from his boathouse before the race.  But if there's boats available from our boathouse I'd take them, cause they'll be the same standard :) I'll text him tomorrow to see what the situation is :)
Title: Re: Junior Liffey Descent
Post by: MarieH on May 07, 2013, 17:43:57
Title: Re: Junior Liffey Descent
Post by: Maryanne on May 07, 2013, 20:54:00
Get photos!

Good luck in the race guys!
Title: Re: Junior Liffey Descent
Post by: Ross on May 07, 2013, 21:37:52
Marie, are you doing it? And are you possibly driving?  :D
Title: Re: Junior Liffey Descent
Post by: MarieH on May 07, 2013, 21:43:19
I really wanted to but we're organising a pre-Alps practice rescue day thing that day so I can't make it, sorry. Best of luck to everyone who takes part. Like Maryanne said, LOADS OF PHOTOS!!!
Title: Re: Junior Liffey Descent
Post by: Steven Mul on May 07, 2013, 21:58:54
I'm reluctant to send in an entry form until I've confirmed transport and it's looking less likely that yhere is someone?
Title: Re: Junior Liffey Descent
Post by: Ross on May 07, 2013, 21:59:30
I'm reluctant to send in an entry form until I've confirmed transport and it's looking less likely that yhere is someone?

Yeah, I'm the same...
Title: Re: Junior Liffey Descent
Post by: Aoife S on May 07, 2013, 22:15:57
Me too...I might have a car (very slim chance) but don't have roof racks, and the GP's are probably too big for it to take anyway :(
Title: Re: Junior Liffey Descent
Post by: kmck on May 07, 2013, 22:16:55
Contact the marathon committee with your boat transport issues see if they have a few, which they do by the way for use on the day
Title: Re: Junior Liffey Descent
Post by: Steven Mul on May 07, 2013, 22:26:52
Well even if we got boats from them it's getting ourselves there. Everyone seems to be busy with exams or other stuff!
Title: Re: Junior Liffey Descent
Post by: Ross on May 07, 2013, 22:34:24
If the boats are there we can always just get a bus there, us getting there shouldn't be a problem...
Title: Re: Junior Liffey Descent
Post by: Steven Mul on May 07, 2013, 22:36:17
If the boats are there we can always just get a bus there, us getting there shouldn't be a problem...

Sure lets take the boats on the bus :) Hmmm...so who exactly would we be emailing Kieran? Not sure I'll get a chance to email before Friday though.
Title: Re: Junior Liffey Descent
Post by: Aoife S on May 07, 2013, 22:50:42
So, I definitely don't have the car, my brother has his last exam of his finals that day so needs it to get into the rds :/

What bus goes out to there? I'd be up for a trip on the bus if it's our only option :D
Title: Re: Junior Liffey Descent
Post by: DervM on May 07, 2013, 23:00:10
There are club roofracks in the boathouse  :)
Title: Re: Junior Liffey Descent
Post by: Aoife S on May 07, 2013, 23:01:32
There are club roofracks in the boathouse  :)

Now just to find a car to go underneath them  ;)
Title: Re: Junior Liffey Descent
Post by: Garbhan on May 08, 2013, 07:11:30
Right I have the car (with roofracks) for that weekend but there's 5 people going including myself so I was wondering would it be possible to leave a boat or two in Salmon Leap Canoe Club on the Friday?
Title: Re: Junior Liffey Descent
Post by: kmck on May 08, 2013, 07:23:38
http://www.irishmarathoncanoeing.com/index/display/id/433 and try B'OB.
Title: Re: Junior Liffey Descent
Post by: Scabidas on May 08, 2013, 13:00:53
Ive roof racks to lend too if anybody needs them
Title: Re: Junior Liffey Descent
Post by: Aoife S on May 08, 2013, 13:09:29
I'm gonna go have another try at home to see if I can get the car for the day, and if I can get it I'll try any and all roof racks available! :)   just asked my neighbour, he has no kids doing the descent so he can't help with the getting boats to the race issue but  if we're stuck for boats I can see if we can get a few off him :)
Title: Re: Junior Liffey Descent
Post by: Steven Mul on May 08, 2013, 16:53:55
What GP boats do we have in the boathouse that are usable?
Title: Re: Junior Liffey Descent
Post by: Aoife S on May 08, 2013, 17:11:37
What GP boats do we have in the boathouse that are usable?

Well there's only five of us, I have a boat so we only need four boats...I'm sure we'll find four boats, we have the gola and there's at least two dancers in there
Title: Re: Junior Liffey Descent
Post by: Steven Mul on May 08, 2013, 17:15:35
2 Dancers? I thibnk Garbhann asked for one, so I'm officially calling dibs on the second one! :)
Title: Re: Junior Liffey Descent
Post by: Aoife S on May 08, 2013, 17:17:07
2 Dancers? I thibnk Garbhann asked for one, so I'm officially calling dibs on the second one! :)

Well I think so! We can check it out tomorrow sure, there's a good few GP's on the second trailer anyway, just need to see what is actually paddle-able :)
Title: Re: Junior Liffey Descent
Post by: Steven Mul on May 08, 2013, 17:19:25
Deadly, are you guys posting in entry forms soon?
Title: Re: Junior Liffey Descent
Post by: Aoife S on May 08, 2013, 17:25:35
Yeah, I'm going to print and fill out mine tonight and post it in in the morning if we can get everything mostly sorted with getting boats out there this evening...it's only fifteen euro so if it falls through it's not a massive loss
Title: Re: Junior Liffey Descent
Post by: Steven Mul on May 08, 2013, 17:27:45
Ye I guess :)
Title: Re: Junior Liffey Descent
Post by: Garbhan on May 08, 2013, 18:16:54
Yeah, I'm going to print and fill out mine tonight and post it in in the morning if we can get everything mostly sorted with getting boats out there this evening...it's only fifteen euro so if it falls through it's not a massive loss
This evening?
Title: Re: Junior Liffey Descent
Post by: Aoife S on May 08, 2013, 18:31:18
Yeah, I'm going to print and fill out mine tonight and post it in in the morning if we can get everything mostly sorted with getting boats out there this evening...it's only fifteen euro so if it falls through it's not a massive loss
This evening?
Well I don't get paid till tomorrow so won't be able to send it till then :)
Title: Re: Junior Liffey Descent
Post by: Garbhan on May 08, 2013, 18:37:33
Yeah, I'm going to print and fill out mine tonight and post it in in the morning if we can get everything mostly sorted with getting boats out there this evening...it's only fifteen euro so if it falls through it's not a massive loss
This evening?
Well I don't get paid till tomorrow so won't be able to send it till then :)
Sorry I mean getting "boats out there this evening" bit, how is that going to work? As I wouldn't mind checking what size washer I need to get to fix the G3.
Title: Re: Junior Liffey Descent
Post by: Aoife S on May 08, 2013, 18:49:40
as in if we try to get get a plan sorted about getting the boats out there :) but i think I'll just pay it anyway, something will get sorted out :)
Title: Re: Junior Liffey Descent
Post by: Ross on May 08, 2013, 18:50:50
You have to send in a cheque, don't you?
Title: Re: Junior Liffey Descent
Post by: Aoife S on May 08, 2013, 18:53:54
You have to send in a cheque, don't you?

A cheque or postal order :)
Title: Re: Junior Liffey Descent
Post by: Steven Mul on May 08, 2013, 19:22:20
Will they not take cash? What's a postal order???
Title: Re: Junior Liffey Descent
Post by: Aoife S on May 08, 2013, 19:25:26
You just go to the post office and ask for a postal order, kinda like a cheque, its just safer to send than cash :) I'm going to get one in UCD in the morning before I post mine :)
Title: Re: Junior Liffey Descent
Post by: DervM on May 08, 2013, 20:25:01
Or email kris@canoe.ie and ask if you can enter online! The offline entry is cause underagers need signatures.

The club has absolutely tonnes of GP boats. There's more than two dancers - think there's a third. All the transitions. Pirouettes. Most of the boats on the old trailer are good, reasonably speedy GP boats. About half of those have footblocks.

Then, if you're interested in challenging yourself you could try the Wavehopper (feels unstable but has surprising secondary stability in the wings) a lot faster. Or... Even more confident: no one's called the Gola Sprint yet!
Title: Re: Junior Liffey Descent
Post by: Aoife S on May 08, 2013, 20:27:20
Or email kris@canoe.ie and ask if you can enter online! The offline entry is cause underagers need signatures.

I'll send him one now, but might be a bit of problem for trying to pay  :-\
Title: Re: Junior Liffey Descent
Post by: Steven Mul on May 08, 2013, 20:35:45
Let me know what your man says about entry online, would be way handier :)
Title: Re: Junior Liffey Descent
Post by: Aoife S on May 08, 2013, 20:36:43
well I just got this as a reply
Thanks for you email.
As we are in the process of moving, it may take me a couple days to get back to you.
I am sorry for any inconvinece this may have caused. Also please not our new address
Canoeing Ireland
Irish Sport HQ
National Sports Campus
Dublin 15
All phone, email, stay the same : )

Kind Regards

Think I'll stick to posting mine in
Title: Re: Junior Liffey Descent
Post by: Steven Mul on May 08, 2013, 20:52:27
And is that the address we post it to?
Title: Re: Junior Liffey Descent
Post by: Aoife S on May 08, 2013, 21:28:20
And is that the address we post it to?

It's on the application form, which I popped onto the original post :)
Title: Re: Junior Liffey Descent
Post by: KatieMcLoughlin on May 08, 2013, 21:29:02
I have to work so I'm out, mega sad face :(
Title: Re: Junior Liffey Descent
Post by: Tiny Tim on May 08, 2013, 21:36:39
Kris is a lady :D
Give her a ring tomorrow, the phones the same.
Title: Re: Junior Liffey Descent
Post by: Aoife S on May 08, 2013, 22:09:22
Kris is a lady :D

Oops! ;D

I'll see if I can get through to her in the morning, but if I'm posting it it's going to need to be esent before the 10 post so I say I'll just post it :)
Title: Re: Junior Liffey Descent
Post by: Aoife S on May 08, 2013, 23:01:10
I'm gonna go have another try at home to see if I can get the car for the day, and if I can get it I'll try any and all roof racks available! :) 

So after some brilliant guilt tripping at home I have the car, but (due to previous experiences of Yarises not having the strongest of roofs) my parents aren't up for the idea of putting universal roof racks on it...

So I can help out with bringing gear and doing a car drop, but amn't much help with the boat issue...

On another note, Derv are you still up for doing the race?
Title: Re: Junior Liffey Descent
Post by: DervM on May 08, 2013, 23:20:48
I'm hopefully doing the race, why? I'll have to see if I can call Kris tomorrow though. No way of posting.
Title: Re: Junior Liffey Descent
Post by: Aoife S on May 08, 2013, 23:23:30
I'm hopefully doing the race, why? I'll have to see if I can call Kris tomorrow though. No way of posting.

Thought you were but then you said no one had laid claim to the goal sprint yet, even though you said at the start you wanted it....and after weeks of sitting in a library my brain is about as functional as a pile of spaghetti...
Title: Re: Junior Liffey Descent
Post by: Diarmuid on May 08, 2013, 23:29:06
The club has both a Gola and a Gola Sprint Aoife :)

Gola Sprint is faster but more tippy than a Gola!
Title: Re: Junior Liffey Descent
Post by: Aoife S on May 08, 2013, 23:32:44
The club has both a Gola and a Gola Sprint Aoife :)

Gola Sprint is faster but more tippy than a Gola!

And that is a prime example of how studying is in fact bad for you! Pretty sure we discussed the whole gola thing last week...
Title: Re: Junior Liffey Descent
Post by: DervM on May 09, 2013, 01:23:47
We actually have two of each! Just one of each is a bit leaky...
Title: Re: Junior Liffey Descent
Post by: Ross on May 09, 2013, 11:19:43
If anyone wants to do rescue, they are looking for some anyway, could be handy rope throwing practice for people going to the Alps and what not!

WANTED - Safety Boaters for Canoeing Ireland Junior Liffey Decent on the 18th May.

You will be placed at an AWESOME WEIR that is of potential risk to the next generation of paddlers. Your Mission if you choose to accept it is to protect the well being of these up and coming ROCK STARS and to save the future of kayaking.

Contact Daniel on 0857200198 or danielrawat@gmail.com if you wish to lend a helping hand. Thank you
Title: Re: Junior Liffey Descent
Post by: Steven Mul on May 09, 2013, 13:37:01
Application is in the post  8)
Title: Re: Junior Liffey Descent
Post by: Aoife S on May 09, 2013, 18:13:57
Title: Re: Junior Liffey Descent
Post by: Kater on May 13, 2013, 07:46:43
I'm still not allowed to be in a boat because of my legs but I can stand and do bank rescue... do you think they need rescue for the chicken chute area just like they did for the Liffey Descent?  Should I ask Daniel or Kris?
Title: Re: Junior Liffey Descent
Post by: DervM on May 13, 2013, 09:13:23
You should ask Daniel  :)
Title: Re: Junior Liffey Descent
Post by: Aoife S on May 13, 2013, 09:14:26
I'm still not allowed to be in a boat because of my legs but I can stand and do bank rescue... do you think they need rescue for the chicken chute area just like they did for the Liffey Descent?  Should I ask Daniel or Kris?

I'd say your best bet would be to give Daniel a call or send him a text...he's put the message up in a few places so he looks like the man to go to :)
Title: Re: Junior Liffey Descent
Post by: Steven Mul on May 13, 2013, 09:47:17
Story with getting our boats there and back?
Title: Re: Junior Liffey Descent
Post by: Aoife S on May 13, 2013, 10:05:33
Story with getting our boats there and back?

we need to get incontact with Salmon leap about leaving them there on the friday night and Canoeing ireland (I presume we could ask Kris) about leaving them there till Sunday or Monday
Title: Re: Junior Liffey Descent
Post by: DervM on May 13, 2013, 13:49:16
I haven't managed to sign up yet as have no post facilities. Same with Ross. So may not be necessary?
Title: Re: Junior Liffey Descent
Post by: Diarmuid on May 13, 2013, 16:20:24
I haven't managed to sign up yet as have no post facilities. Same with Ross. So may not be necessary?

UCD Post Office!
Title: Re: Junior Liffey Descent
Post by: Steven Mul on May 15, 2013, 12:50:09
Derv are you or Ross doing it? We just need to know for sorting boats there and back :)
Title: Re: Junior Liffey Descent
Post by: Garbhan on May 16, 2013, 00:16:01
As far as I know Derv has an interview so she isn't but Ross is but I don't know what class he's in or boat he's using.