UCD Canoe Club
General => Kayaking => Topic started by: Diarmuid on July 30, 2013, 17:10:21
The 2013 Liffey Descent will be taking place on Saturday the 28th September 2013 and we'll hopefully be put in charge of rescue at a point along the Liffey yet again.
Are any of you interested in doing rescue?
Every rescuer gets a free Liffey Descent Rescue T-Shirt, a free meal and a free party ticket for the after party.
Last year we were in charge of Sluice + Chicken Chute, it was great craic :D
Steven Mulrooney - M
Diarmuid Ryan - M
Deividas Raineys - M
Andrew Lynam - M
Oisin McHugh _ M
Rory O'Connor - L
Peter O'Sullivan - L
Conor Mohan - M
Marie Harrington - M
Aoife Sheridan - M
Nadine Jones - M
Bill Corbett - L
attatched: Race Briefing, additional details
I'd defo be up for this :)
I will probably race this year. If I don't race I'll do sweep again, nice getting the 30euro vouchers.
I was thinking of giving the race a shot this year but if not I'll definitely do rescue. It was great craic last year and I can't argue with another paddling t-shirt :)
Everyone should try get involved in this.
Second years....This is a great opportunity to try out a bit of rescue and get your rope throwing perfected! Don't worry there'll be loads of experienced people to give ye a hand, a few tips and have the craic with :)
I'm up for it! :D
I'm up for it! Want to have a go at rescue! 8)
im around to help with rescue.. will also offer my services to sweep like last year too if needed
do you have to be good to do rescue?.....id consider doing it.
i also kinda want to do the decent itself though
Seeing as I haven't done a single flatwater training session all summer good sense would be too to rescue instead of racing. Put my name down for sweep.
I'm up for this
There's a nice spot on river right for helping people back into boats after the sluice that has had land based rescue on it before.
I'm with the oldies on wrens again this year.
Hey guys, for those of you who have signed up already, can I get T-Shirt sizes please, I'm wearing last year's tshirt at the moment and it's cool as shit!
For those of you who haven't signed up, sign up now, free food, free t-shirt, free entry to the afterparty and free rescue practice, can't ask for much better than that!
Medium please !
Ill do it if I can do bank rescue :)
And a medium please :)
Medium please :)
Medium also please - and I may need to be "shown the ropes" of this rescue craic! :P
medium tshirt
Large t-shirt please.
I'm coming off the fence and will be available for rescue for this. Also Med t-shirt please
I'm coming off the fence and will be available for rescue for this. Also Med t-shirt please
Does that have anything to do with this?
Bressie is going to do the Liffey Descent guys, if you do rescue you might get to meet him ;)
Medium please! ;D
Hey guys, for those of you who have signed up already, can I get T-Shirt sizes please, I'm wearing last year's tshirt at the moment and it's cool as shit!
For those of you who haven't signed up, sign up now, free food, free t-shirt, free entry to the afterparty and free rescue practice, can't ask for much better than that!
large tshirt.
by sign up, do you mean anything other than saying you'll do rescue here?
I'm coming off the fence and will be available for rescue for this. Also Med t-shirt please
Does that have anything to do with this?
Bressie is going to do the Liffey Descent guys, if you do rescue you might get to meet him ;)
Maryanne you know me too well. Even if he doesn't need rescuing I'll probably jump in after him!!
I'm coming off the fence and will be available for rescue for this. Also Med t-shirt please
Does that have anything to do with this?
Bressie is going to do the Liffey Descent guys, if you do rescue you might get to meet him ;)
Maryanne you know me too well. Even if he doesn't need rescuing I'll probably jump in after him!!
Apparently his partner is Eoin Rheinisch, so you if you grab Bressie you may well be able to waterski after him!
Is it too late to sign up for this? If so, I'd like a medium t-shirt! :)
Okay, so before this happens, are any of you interested in practicing a bit of Rope-throwing with Dave O'Reilly? He has kindly offered to take a group down at the boathouse.
If you're interested just say so, I think Tuesday would suit him best :)
Ye I'm up for it time dependant :)
rope thorwing, sure, ill done at 4
I'd be up for the rope throwing training, what time on Tuesday?
Tuesday's good for me!
Cool! Four o'clock?
Okay, so before this happens, are any of you interested in practicing a bit of Rope-throwing with Dave O'Reilly? He has kindly offered to take a group down at the boathouse.
If you're interested just say so, I think Tuesday would suit him best :)
Nice one! A great thing to practise :)
You should see if three people can throw at once in a plait formation...photo op!
Cool! Four o'clock?
I've to be in a lab till 5 on Tuesday unfortunately. If you're still around I'll catch you then?
Four o'clock is perf :D
4 is good for me too :)
Good for me also!! :D
I need to borrow a club boat for doing rescue. The gear borrowing form didn't see applicable so I didn't fill it out. More importantly I will also need a lift!
See you at four tomorrow at the boathouse.
Anyone driving from UCD to our rescue point on Saturday with boat space? If so could I please get a lift for me and my boat! :)
I'm up for sluice rescue if I'm not too late. Large please!
Who's driving / from where?
attatched: Race Briefing, additional details
Driving from Enfield to Sluice on Saturday, leaving Enfield at 11:00
I am ok to borrow one of the clubs shorter throw ropes for this?
I'd love a lift out! Anyone going from the UCDish area?
Give Marie a shout, I'm going with her from UCD :)
Give Marie a shout, I'm going with her from UCD :)
Lovely! Thanks Steve!
I am ok to borrow one of the clubs shorter throw ropes for this?
Need I fill in a gear form!
Anything that isn't an official club trip is a private trip and requires a gear borrowing form.
An official club trip (ie. Saturday trips) is one where the committee has notified the College of an official club trip happening. These trips have to adhere strictly to CI course guidelines (ie. everyone has to either have the proficiency for the grade of water or be under a suitable instructor -within ratios etc.)
I've a lift organised Marie and the gear form filled out. See you all at the race.
i need a lift, space for a boat too
Peter you seem to have filled out an old form last years committee. Could you please fill it out again at this link ?
Am I good to fill out that form as well?
Yup! Any club gear needs to be out through it :)
Yup! Any club gear needs to be out through it :)
Sent one in there a bit late! Any chance of a couple of airbags and a throwrope?
If everyone could aim to be there by 11.45 that'd be perfect :)
......aaaand that saves me looking through the event brief. Thanks Diarmi!
Crap - forgot to ask for a throw-rope in my form - would really appreciate if someone would throw one in for me! (no pun intended) :P