UCD Canoe Club
General => Kayaking => Topic started by: Maryanne on August 14, 2013, 17:19:09
So who's going for real and has car space for people and/or boats?
Original thread: http://forum.ucdcanoeclub.com/index.php/topic,11577.0.html#quickreply
I'm curious to know if it's going to be a big thing... :)
I'm driving from Tipp anyway, can pick up people in Limerick or Galway if they so wish :)
I'm only 70% sure I can go at this stage, whether or not that's with the car or not is to be decided.
I've no car with roof bars, aside from unforeseeable events I'm in
I reckon I'm going, unsure about driving at the moment though
I reckon ill go. I have a car with roof racks and i can carry people. I reckon only two though coz its quite small.
I reckon ill go. I have a car with roof racks and i can carry people. I reckon only two though coz its quite small.
Your car can take 3 passengers! :P
deiv your car is bigger than mine and mine can take 5 people plus polo and camping gear! :P
it was tight like, but shur tis only over to clifden.... :)
(and i won't be going, soz folks!)
It can but it sure isnt comfortable to drive ;D i dont really mind taking more.
My access to the Astra is limited now since my sister is getting ready for a driving test on it.
I have a Yaris I can use, but it has no roofracks and no one damp or unclean is allowed in it...so it's a non-paddling car.
If I go I'll come on Saturday, and won't have to leave on Sunday since I won't have work on Monday morning.
The two weeks starting on the 24th are my summer holidays :)
My access to the Astra is limited now since my sister is getting ready for a driving test on it.
I have a Yaris I can use, but it has no roofracks and no one damp or unclean is allowed in it...so it's a non-paddling car.
If I go I'll come on Saturday, and won't have to leave on Sunday since I won't have work on Monday morning.
The two weeks starting on the 24th are my summer holidays :)
Cool, you'll get Saturday evening, Sunday morning and Sunday evening and Monday morning. 4 tides is well worth travelling for. Stick your playboat inside the Yaris. Bring a bivi bag to keep the car clean when you get to Clifden.
Ross, lifty lift + boaty lift?
Ross, lifty lift + boaty lift?
Yup! Going via Limerick now if anyone wants a lift from there
[Yup! Going via Limerick now if anyone wants a lift from there
Ross, any chance of a lift?
Can take 3 people plus three boats, going for the weekend. To go need people, no people no petrol no go :(
[Yup! Going via Limerick now if anyone wants a lift from there
Ross, any chance of a lift?
Yep! Full of boat space now, but still have a passenger space
I'm leaving at 3 on Friday from Enfield if people need lifts. So far its just Diarmuid with me. The plan is to get for the high tide that evening.
I have the weekend off so I may actually be able to make it down :)
I have the weekend off so I may actually be able to make it down :)
Another weekend with the canoe club ;D
If I was to decide to go, would there be someone able to give me and a boat a lift from the dublin-ish area? :)
Yes, the plan would be to meet in Enfield with the guys sort out travel arrangements gear etc. How does that sound but don't you have a Level 3 on this weekend?
Yes, the plan would be to meet in Enfield with the guys sort out travel arrangements gear etc.
Where are you travelling to Enfield from? I'm not sure what my lift situation out there is like at the moment :/
don't you have a Level 3 on this weekend?
nope :D not enough of us for it
Driver(Departing from, destination, time){
Ross(Tipperary, Galway){
Deividas(Enfield, Galway, 15:00){
Kieran(Enfield, Galway){
Additional passengers
Anyone else?
you? :D
I'm leaving Dublin and meeting with the lads in Enfield to chop/change make one car or a gear car etc to make life interesting
I'm leaving Dublin and meeting with the lads in Enfield to chop/change make one car or a gear car etc to make life interesting
going from anywhere near UCD?
If you want...and do you know why?
If you want...and do you know why?
Yes please :D and why what? ???
Why? Because I'm awesome, that's why.
Aim to arrive in Clifden at 17.40 on Friday evening. Its a huge high tide so be there early to have a good run at it before the "sticky window" starts.
Galway to Clifden usually takes 1hr 25min, don't mind google maps ambitious 1hr 9min.
Check the outfitting of your boat before you travel, make sure its all there and working.
Ok so if we're to be there by 17:40 then lets leave my house at 3, in that case, people be at my house for half 2 or so, so we can load shit up :)
I won't be finished work until 5.30, so I won't be there until after midnight I reckon...
Ross is no longer driving, Peter might be. I'm aiming too blasht on out of work and move home tomorrow. Leaving me properly free!
I'm driving. Leaving Limerick around 2.30. Giving Derv a lift.
Another very successful weekend in Clifden. 6 people eligible to compete for UCD on the water. 4 tides in a row paddled. A (probable) record set for a club trip on Saturday, on the water at 6.40 in the morning and finished by 9!
A huge leap forward in playboating for all despite the unusually high tides handing out thrashings. Plenty of swims. Excellent to see most people were getting long surfs in the hole and completing real competition moves.
Looking very far ahead:
As suggested over the weeekend consider Clifden instead of Easkey next June BH weekend. The tides will be good Friday and Saturday.
2014-05-30 Friday
00:37 IST 0.71m. Low Tide
07:04 IST 4.62m. High Tide
12:49 IST 0.94m. Low Tide
19:16 IST 4.79m. High Tide
2014-05-31 Saturday
01:14 IST 0.78m. Low Tide
07:41 IST 4.50m. High Tide
13:25 IST 1.06m. Low Tide
19:52 IST 4.66m. High Tide
Have to say thanks to Peter for pushing this and for pushing us on the water. We were very lucky to have both Peter and Ronan there for the weekend. Very sore today, but also very happy at how my paddling improved over the weekend. Went from no roll to an okay roll by the end of the weekend will keep practicing to make it better. Nearly got a loop and got a flat spin and the start of a cartwheel though think my final ride on Saturday had the most random moves of the week.
I would certainly go back for a weekend, a week might push it but could change it up with a mixture of surfing and playboating.