UCD Canoe Club
General => Competitions and Training => Topic started by: Peter O'Sullivan on January 16, 2014, 12:13:17
Anyone interested in going to Team trials in Tuam on the 25th and 26th? It would be great competition practice for people thinking of doing freestyle at varsities. You would learn loads and Tuam is an excellent playspot. Downsides are Tuam is far away and you might have to stay the night in or near Tuam.
More details to follow in the Irish freestyle page on FB.
The score sheet is on line here and should be read by everyone thinking of paddling freesytle at varsities. http://www.canoeicf.com/dms/icf/documents/Disciplines/CFR/ScribeSheet2010/Scribe%20Sheet%202010.pdf (http://www.canoeicf.com/dms/icf/documents/Disciplines/CFR/ScribeSheet2010/Scribe%20Sheet%202010.pdf)
The rules for the whole thing are horribly complicated and can be found here http://www.canoeicf.com/dms/icf/documents/Rules-and-Statutes/2013-Rules/ICF-Canoe-Freestyle-Rules-2013/Canoe%20Freestyle%20Rules%202013%20.pdf (http://www.canoeicf.com/dms/icf/documents/Rules-and-Statutes/2013-Rules/ICF-Canoe-Freestyle-Rules-2013/Canoe%20Freestyle%20Rules%202013%20.pdf), but thankfully its not polo so they aren't taken too seriously at national level.
Lastly, if you don't know what the moves are. Have a look at this. Well worth reading. http://www.canoeicf.com/dms/icf/documents/Disciplines/CFR/Appendices---Moves-and-Bonuses-2010/Appendices%20-%20Moves%20and%20Bonuses%202010.pdf (http://www.canoeicf.com/dms/icf/documents/Disciplines/CFR/Appendices---Moves-and-Bonuses-2010/Appendices%20-%20Moves%20and%20Bonuses%202010.pdf)
I'm going this Saturday instead. Was going to try for some Annamoe runs on the 25th and maybe the Inny Classic on the 26th.
Tuam was great today. Got some brilliant tips. Lovely surfing, spins, clean popouts, and loop attempts. Would recommend.
Results went up. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aioo4O15kdw3dHFSeGFpbHRBdzZtOW5LQlRkVkRsZHc&usp=sharing#gid=1
The ladies results are food for thought!
Interesting alright!
Seems to be a lot of women named Aisling...
So a spin and doing a dip turn could have gotten someone to the finals? Loads of videos in Youtube covering the basic moves
I think they're trying pretty stringent ICF marking as well