UCD Canoe Club

Committee Announcements => Announcements => Topic started by: Worm on September 26, 2016, 22:17:20

Title: Fresher's Weekend 2016: TRAMORE
Post by: Worm on September 26, 2016, 22:17:20
It's that time of year again everybody! Who's excited for one of the highlights of the year!
Fresher's this year is going to take us to the exotic coast of Tramore in Co. Waterford.

The banter begins on Friday the 7th of October at 6pm in the Student Bar for some pre-tramore-tipples. You'll find us to the left of the trophy cabinet.
We'll be saying goodbye to UCD at 6:45pm and hello to the session train for the rest of the weekend.
Attempts at sanity, normality and sobriety shall only be accepted once we return to UCD once again on Sunday evening.

So you aren't left disappointed get your €50 to a committee member ASAP to secure your place. Let me reassure you that this is incredible value for a whole weekend away.Cmmittee will be accepting money  at lunch times, any pool session or otherwise give one of the committee members a text. Our numbers are on all the membership cards.

The weekend is to include:
- The banter bus to Tramore on Friday followed by a good ol' fashioned UCDCC fresher's-warming party
- An afternoon of surf kayaking on Saturday
- Get your Fancy Dress ready for the session on Saturday night! (We take fancy dress very seriously  afro.gif and any dry shites will be made to feel awkward, uncomfortable and no-craic)
-  A hangover cure shall be provided on Sunday when on the return home we shall be stopping off to do a River Trip

- Breakfast will be provided on both mornings and dinner will be cooked by our in house chefs on Saturday night. This year, we can guarantee that our chefs are proficient and capable at cooking rice at least  ^-^

To get kitted out for the weekend, there will be a Boat Pack held on not one, but two days this year! Find your way to the boathouse on either Thursday the 6th of October between 4:30pm and 8pm OR Friday the 7th of October between 4:30pm and 5:30pm. If you cannot make the boatpack, send our lovely quippy Andy a text on 086-3785026, otherwise you will be boatless, gearless and hopeless for the weekend #shitecraic

Now, in case your mammy is no longer packing your suitcase, please bring:

•   Money for any snacks, chocolate, alcohol, or last minute costume props you may need  :police:

•   For kayaking: Warm clothes!!!! (avoid cotton at all costs! It makes you very, very cold when you’re wet). Anything made out of 'poly-' materials is a good bet!  Fleeces are great! Fleecy pyjamas are even better! Tights make a good layer, especially to pop over your fleecy layers before trying to put on a wetsuit (even the lads should consider investing!!) If you have a wetsuit bring it! If not, the club has a small selection of them...try to get to the boathouse on time to get first pick!

You can never, ever have enough layers!!! Remember to bring enough gear for TWO days' paddling.
So here’s your essential guide to keeping nice and toasty on the river ; http://forum.ucdcanoeclub.com/index.php/topic,10222.0.html

•   A pair of old shoes! (Or wet booties if you have them). The water is going to be low (on the beach), and those stones really aren't the most fun!! If you don't have a pair, pop into your local Penneys or Tesco and pick up a pair of cheap shoes!

•   Towel(s) and warm, dry clothes for both days!

NB if you have not been at a pool session you must attend one before going to Bundoran to do a capsize drill and swim test.

If you have any questions at all feel free to email ucdcanoeclub@gmail.com!!!

Your friendly neighbourhood NML (Ninja Magicking Lama)

Soooooo who's signing up!?!?!?!

1.Ailbhe C
2. Sara
3. Ross
4. John
5. Mark
6. Ciaran
7. Jonny (Paid)
8. Yvette
9. Mike (Paid)
10. Anna May (Paid)
11. Andrew
12. Simon (Free Trip #winner)
13. Ailbhe T
14. Muireann (Paid)
15. Gilles (Paid)
16. Ailbhe 4
17. Helena (Paid)
18. Derv
19. Sam (Paid)
20. Niamh (Paid)
21. Alan
22. Mary Cathryn
23. Rory
24. Andy
25. Aoife
26. Greg (Paid)
27. Deividas (Paid)
28. Jacqui (Paid)
29. Aine (Paid)
30. Doireann (Paid)
31. Peter (Paid)
32. Adam
33. Iida
34. Evie
35. Eoghan
36. Róisín
37. Máire
38. Conor
39. Patrick
40. Micheal(Paid)
42. Rebecca
43. Shanley
44. Nelly
45. Jordan


Title: Re: Fresher's Weekend 2016: TRAMORE
Post by: ailbhe.c95 on September 26, 2016, 22:26:59
Title: Re: Fresher's Weekend 2016: TRAMORE
Post by: sara griffin on September 26, 2016, 22:28:51
Errah g'wan
Title: Re: Fresher's Weekend 2016: TRAMORE
Post by: Ross on September 26, 2016, 22:33:09
Fresher's this year is going to take us to the exotic coast of Tramore in Co. Waterford.

NB if you have not been at a pool session you must attend one before going to Bundoran to do a capsize drill and swim test.

Wait, where are we going :P?
Title: Re: Fresher's Weekend 2016: TRAMORE
Post by: Can't ice-skate on September 26, 2016, 22:43:41
Sign me up #choochoo
Title: Re: Fresher's Weekend 2016: TRAMORE
Post by: Mark Hoare on September 26, 2016, 22:47:56
Count me in
Title: Re: Fresher's Weekend 2016: TRAMORE
Post by: ciarandunne on September 26, 2016, 23:13:10

I'm there! :)
Title: Re: Fresher's Weekend 2016: TRAMORE
Post by: JonnyÓB on September 26, 2016, 23:17:36
oh yas, count me in (I'm assuming you sign up here?) 8)  :D
Title: Re: Fresher's Weekend 2016: TRAMORE
Post by: Jacqui on September 26, 2016, 23:26:36
Me please 😘
Title: Re: Fresher's Weekend 2016: TRAMORE
Post by: Vettie on September 27, 2016, 00:07:14
exotic coast of Tramore in Co. Waterford

Costa Del Waterford... be rude not to ;)
Title: Re: Fresher's Weekend 2016: TRAMORE
Post by: Mike O'Malley on September 27, 2016, 09:10:59
I'm in! Glad to see the club got into med
Title: Re: Fresher's Weekend 2016: TRAMORE
Post by: Anna-May Kiely on September 27, 2016, 09:38:31
Sign me up please :-)

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Fresher's Weekend 2016: TRAMORE
Post by: Niamh Delaney on September 27, 2016, 09:51:19

Sent from my SM-A300FU using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Fresher's Weekend 2016: TRAMORE
Post by: Andru93 on September 27, 2016, 09:51:30
https://i.imgur.com/M8YFfFH.mp4 (https://i.imgur.com/M8YFfFH.mp4)

Title: Re: Fresher's Weekend 2016: TRAMORE
Post by: Poopy Dick on September 27, 2016, 10:02:58
I'm down
Title: Re: Fresher's Weekend 2016: TRAMORE
Post by: Poohy on September 27, 2016, 10:29:38
YUp please  ;D

Title: Re: Fresher's Weekend 2016: TRAMORE
Post by: Worm on September 27, 2016, 10:56:50
Fresher's this year is going to take us to the exotic coast of Tramore in Co. Waterford.

NB if you have not been at a pool session you must attend one before going to Bundoran to do a capsize drill and swim test.

Wait, where are we going :P?

... Thought Id got away with it  :-[
Title: Re: Fresher's Weekend 2016: TRAMORE
Post by: gilles on September 27, 2016, 12:16:10
I'm up for it
Title: Re: Fresher's Weekend 2016: TRAMORE
Post by: Number 4 on September 27, 2016, 13:15:47
Title: Re: Fresher's Weekend 2016: TRAMORE
Post by: Swelbourne on September 27, 2016, 14:34:34
I'll be there!
Title: Re: Fresher's Weekend 2016: TRAMORE
Post by: helenabutterly on September 27, 2016, 18:22:09
I'll be thereeee!!!
Title: Re: Fresher's Weekend 2016: TRAMORE
Post by: DervM on September 27, 2016, 19:39:21
Attending - possibly will arrive saturday morning, possibly friday night. Will let ye know.
Title: Re: Fresher's Weekend 2016: TRAMORE
Post by: mc2442 on September 27, 2016, 22:09:26
I'm in! I will bring money to the pool session tomorrow!
Title: Re: Fresher's Weekend 2016: TRAMORE
Post by: Alan on September 28, 2016, 18:08:41
My home county, sure how could I not go?  :D Count me in
Title: Re: Fresher's Weekend 2016: TRAMORE
Post by: Kerry Gold on September 29, 2016, 00:32:32
ill come
Title: Re: Fresher's Weekend 2016: TRAMORE
Post by: Andy J on September 29, 2016, 09:57:13
Catch ye on the Saturday night! Might surf the next morning, see how overhung I am  ;)
Title: Re: Fresher's Weekend 2016: TRAMORE
Post by: Aoife S on September 29, 2016, 18:01:09
Can I be a potential yes...I don't have my full roster yet 🙈
Title: Re: Fresher's Weekend 2016: TRAMORE
Post by: iida on October 01, 2016, 17:42:16
Title: Re: Fresher's Weekend 2016: TRAMORE
Post by: Róisín doyle on October 02, 2016, 15:17:17
Count me in please!
Title: Re: Fresher's Weekend 2016: TRAMORE
Post by: Máire Hanrahan on October 02, 2016, 18:04:54
Me too😊
Title: Re: Fresher's Weekend 2016: TRAMORE
Post by: ConorBrazel97 on October 02, 2016, 22:10:36
Sign me up!
Title: Re: Fresher's Weekend 2016: TRAMORE
Post by: Patrickcaulfield on October 02, 2016, 22:17:44
Sign me up!
Title: Re: Fresher's Weekend 2016: TRAMORE
Post by: Aoife S on October 02, 2016, 23:45:29
Can I be a potential yes...I don't have my full roster yet 🙈

I'm out 😢
Title: Re: Fresher's Weekend 2016: TRAMORE
Post by: Becca B on October 05, 2016, 09:58:22
Sign me up too please better late than never!
Title: Re: Fresher's Weekend 2016: TRAMORE
Post by: Scabidas on October 05, 2016, 11:29:10
NB if you have not been at a pool session you must attend one before going to Bundoran to do a capsize drill and swim test.

Jaysus, are we going to Bundoran then ?    :D
Title: Re: Fresher's Weekend 2016: TRAMORE
Post by: Kerry Gold on October 05, 2016, 12:50:03
NB if you have not been at a pool session you must attend one before going to Bundoran to do a capsize drill and swim test.

Jaysus, are we going to Bundoran then ?    :D

you're a bit late as ever (thank god yo're not a girl)

Fresher's this year is going to take us to the exotic coast of Tramore in Co. Waterford.

NB if you have not been at a pool session you must attend one before going to Bundoran to do a capsize drill and swim test.

Wait, where are we going :P?

... Thought Id got away with it  :-[
Title: Re: Fresher's Weekend 2016: TRAMORE
Post by: ShakaShaw on October 05, 2016, 13:10:30
sign me up
Title: Re: Fresher's Weekend 2016: TRAMORE
Post by: danwi on October 06, 2016, 13:26:41
sign me up