UCD Canoe Club
General => Competitions and Training => Topic started by: Cian B on September 10, 2018, 09:55:41
Hey guys,
We're back for another year of paddle fit :paddlefit:
The gym sessions will take place in the team gym on Mondays from 8:00pm to 9:00pm
Sign up bellow with your name and the date that you'll be coming.
Ya boi🤙
Me week 1 x
Sign me up

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Week 1
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Sweat it bro week 1
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I will try make it week 2
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Week 3, yup!
Week 3 plz
Week 3 you know it
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Sign me up! :paddlefit:
Week 3 :discopaddler:
Week 3 🤙🏼
I'll go today, 24th Sept
Cant make it now sozzles
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Week 4, please :discopaddler:
me 🖖 1st Oct
week 4 as well
Me plz 💪🏻
Week 4 yarp
I'll go tonight
I’ll be there
Going to paddle fit tonight 🤙🏻
I’ll be there tonight
Week 5 💪🏻
Week 5!
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Week 5
Actually Im out this week soz
I'll be there
I'm going to the next one!! Great post!! #ILOVECIAN #theshitoutofeverything best day of my life #fitspo #gainz #proteinz #spon #fundoran
Week 6 :paddlefit:
Week 6 gains
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Week 7 :paddlefit:
Week 4,5,6 & 7!
Count me in!
Ill be there!
Yes for Week 7
Week 7
I’ll be there
Week 9!
Im in
Me plz first one of the season
I'll go
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Me :paddlefit:
week 9
Me week 10
week 10
Week 11?
Week 12
Week 12
Week 12 plz
week 12 me
Back at it :paddlefit:!
Back at it :paddlefit:!
First comment of semester 2 :paddlefit: :-* ...but its week 4 :'(
I'll go this week nó idea what week number it is
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Week 6? I’ll be there!
I'll be there
Ill be there
Sure why not :canoe: :canoe:
I'll come xo
Week 7 (?)
Week 7
Week 7
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Moi s'il vous plait
I won't be actually
Week 10 (?)
Week 10!
Week 11
Week 11 :paddlefit: :paddlefit: