UCD Canoe Club
Boats and Gear => Lost and Found => Topic started by: holly on October 19, 2004, 10:31:12
meabh's 'COME TO BED EYES'
does anyone have any information concerning their whereabouts???
their absense, hopefully short term, may prove detrimental to the boys of the club.
i wasnt at roz's to keep an eye on events, so surely one of you must know something!!!
thanks holly, always there for me.
yes apparently my come to bed eyes are MIA.....actually, not so much IA as just M.
i could be wrong but here's a Q, did they ever really exist or were you guys just trying to embarass me.........????
hehe, there they are!
they're back!
you can all breathe again!
and remember...
I will remember that I am not a salmon although I do want to strive against the flow to reach the breeding grounds.
you'll never be a fisherman
Striving sounds like far too much effort.
I'm glad to see that Meabh's Come to Bed Eyes have been found, but now I must sadly report that my sense of dignity has gone missing. I think it was lost sometime last night around the time when I passed out in my boxers, bent over my kitchen counter, with my face resting in a half-made ham sandwich. Also gone missing during this time was my pillow, which was later recovered from the fridge. This is just another reason why one should resist the temptations of Meabh and Holly to partake in certain actives involving Druids and Dutch under the Tree of Fun for 4 hrs before a concert.
aaaaggghh so sorry i missed that concert and the drinking under the tree of fun, i love the tree of fun.
but you know what i was doing instead was just as interesting, who wouldn't want to be sitting in with a crappy group making final changes (as in doing it from scratch for certain members) to a presentation on
the causes of Mexicos Balance of Payments problems prior to the peso devaluation of 1994. worth 20% of your final grade. just as fun as drinking under a tree... honest! :roll: