UCD Canoe Club

Boats and Gear => Lost and Found => Topic started by: cat halpin on November 09, 2004, 09:08:33

Title: black gloves and addidas top
Post by: cat halpin on November 09, 2004, 09:08:33
there is an addidas top and a pair of large black gloves in my car. I wouldnt have posted about them but neither fit me so now i want to get rid of them.
Title: black gloves and addidas top
Post by: anonomous and lovin it on November 09, 2004, 13:10:34
hey, how long have you had the gloves? I lost mine but couldnt remember where......twas a while ago now..........

Homeless Ken
Title: black gloves and addidas top
Post by: bexifurr on November 09, 2004, 14:41:16
i found a blue (or black,maybe... ) adidas hoody on my person on sunday morning and id like to return it to its owner cos, contrary to popular opinion, im not a pikey.
Title: black gloves and addidas top
Post by: cat halpin on November 09, 2004, 15:33:33
my car is a very big car. god knows how long they were hiding in there before i noticed them