UCD Canoe Club
Boats and Gear => Buy and Sell => Topic started by: jesus_jones on January 26, 2005, 19:48:38
now you can become part of the dream team and it'll only cost you €580.
great nick,located in dublin
€580 euro ono.
Sell it and you're off the team Danny. And we're not taking any more members anyway!
3 things
1.It's not my boat
2.I'm not karl dolan
3.it's not my contact number
4.I am in fact...from you!!
I know someone who might be intressed, I'll ask him tonight and let you know
s club 6 is soo last alps its team dagger all the way!!!
Go team Dagger, which recently acquired myself, Eoin, Siobhan and Sara.
Oh well with all stars like that your obviously the cooler club :shock:
Go team Dagger, which recently acquired myself, Eoin, Siobhan and Sara.
Sara isn't part of Team D. My Nomad and I have requested her place on the team instead :lol:
team dagger?
bunch of sellouts to the big corporations thats all you punks are :P
You be careful Mr.Butler or you'll be disappearing under suspicious circumstances...
Yes, he might be walking around on the deck of the Nomad one day and "fall" overboard... :twisted:
Yes, he might be walking around on the deck of the Nomad one day and "fall" overboard... :twisted:
i resent that. one of the highly trained lifeboat crews would be sure to rescue him. :oops:
I don't know Eoghan, they don't seem to do such a good job when you're overboard.
they were on strike at the time. i have since fired them Ronald Regan style and replaced them
they were on strike at the time. i have since fired them Ronald Regan style and replaced the philipinio crew with their cheap non-unionied mexican equivilants
You might want to replace the monkeys that do your posting aswell.