UCD Canoe Club
Boats and Gear => Lost and Found => Topic started by: sorcha h on February 08, 2005, 13:44:26
heya guys
left my fone on the bus on sat and rang asho to take it. she said she would. saw asho on sunday and her and lolly told me claire has it.
saw claire today and she knows nothing about my fone.
does anyone know where my fone is??i really need it back cause i just lost fone a few weeks ago so will be in sooo much trouble if i dont get it back!
please let me know anythin about it
attach all items of value to yourself with bungee cord in future :P
That depends on what you call valuable. Issues of comfort are at stake.
im sure youll all be delighted to know i got my fone bacK!!claire had it all along but didnt know it!!!
now we'll just hav to see how long i manage to hold on to it this time!!!
did you phone dorgans about it? cos i got a very strange text from stephen dorgan this morning telling me he hadnt found my phone yet (i dont know why he texted me cos if he thought my phone was missing then obviously i wouldnt get the text)
bungee cord bungee cord bungee cord bungee cord bungee cord bungee cord bungee cord bungee cord bungee cord bungee cord bungee cord
bungee cord bungee cord
If your thinking of the same story as i am then never say that again.
why what are you thinking?