UCD Canoe Club
Boats and Gear => Lost and Found => Topic started by: carlito on May 04, 2005, 13:27:24
After last Saturday's spin down the Annamoe:
Dave Cox's throw rope
Kieran's set of allen keys
Hip pads belonging to .....?
I'm not sure when I'm gonna be out next - Easky is hte next confirmation on my diary, so get in touch if you want them back.
P.s. Dave, any sign of those photos?
Well Carl I have the photos and you 're all looking pretty hot in them. They were worth the hassle. I'll Email them to you If you're interested. Think it might be a good trade: 1 throw rope for 16 photo's, one of which clearly depicts a certain ex-captain in the act of exiting her boat!!!!!
this is a subject close to my heart Carl, indeed, I have a pet bra that has still not been claimed - methinks it will form part of a fancy dress sometime. Of course, the owner will then start bitching and moaning but what you gonna do?
Oh, and the bra is only the half of it!
Hey could you please give me a shout if you happen to be on campus at any stage in the near future and I'll meet you. If you're not could you bring it to easkey?
more than likely, 'twill be Easky...
I'd love to see those photos of me being great. :lol:
oh i saw the photos the other day. really cool, sweet camera dave!!
I'd love a sweet camera, will somebody buy me one?? :bunny:
oh oh me first!!!!