UCD Canoe Club
Boats and Gear => Lost and Found => Topic started by: Monkey Loving Bob on November 16, 2005, 09:36:43
Missing roughly three hours between middle of Safety Talk (helmet part about the last recollection) and pass out, any one who can return one slightly used, possibly tarnished, part of last night to me will be greatly rewarded - just post here or ring me. Woe betide any chancers!
P.S. hope I didn't piss anyone off last night, sorry if I did!?!
:oops: :twisted: :oops: :twisted: :oops: :twisted: :oops: :twisted: :oops: :twisted: :oops: :twisted: :oops: :twisted: :oops: :twisted: :oops: :twisted: :oops: :twisted: :oops: :twisted: :oops: :twisted: :oops: :twisted: :oops: :twisted: :oops: :twisted: :oops: :twisted: :oops: :twisted: :oops: :twisted: :oops: :twisted: :oops: :twisted:
sorry about the spelling in the poll, I might still be a dit brunk
you should also possibly post up to find the wherabouts of...
your dignity...
the entire contents of your stomach....
that nice old lady you brought along to the talk then carelessly discarded....
on my count... you scored 4 people..
two of which were at the same time
Well let that be a lesson to you I will picking another fresher to destroy at colours. All of the older people know not to drink from a coke bottle in my hand. Yes two at a time followed by Kieran I will buy you a drink in the bar which you turned up to about closing time. I also was drunk but remember every face reddeing moment. My apologies to everyone who got given fat frog and was it lolly who helped me with the baileys or maria? Night was finnished off with DVDS and piza in my place.
yeah, cheers for those fat frogs. awful nice of you.
I never got this treatment when I was in first year Kieran. When do I get broken?
When do I get broken?
Have you looked in the mirror anytime today since about one? You are broken Drinking in the arts building you should be ashamed of yourself.
I however am still sweet and innocent.