UCD Canoe Club
Boats and Gear => Lost and Found => Topic started by: david on January 04, 2006, 18:34:08
if You have lost any of the following please give me a shout as I have it in my car:
Brendinos sprey deck;
Kylie's black fleece;
Cieran's bule sleeping bag;
2 other undesignated sleeping bags;
a black hat.
No sign of my glasses, was there?
If its a black Thinsulate hat i believe its mine. Cheers
I'll pm you next time im in dublin!
I left a grey university of wisconsin t-shirt down in the kitchen of the clubhouse when i was cooking breakfast on the last day. Just wondering if anyone picked this up because when i turned around ir wasn't there anymore.
I've got that too.
I seem to have left mt Nokia charger in our house. Did you pick it up Jody?
Got it Kill, was kinda wondering why i had brought 2 of them. Let me know if you're about any time and i'll get it to you.
I left a grey university of wisconsin t-shirt down in the kitchen of the clubhouse when i was cooking breakfast on the last day.
What a mental picture. Fuzzy strolling around bare chested with a fish lice in one hand and thongs in the the other. I don't know about you but .......wow! :shock:
fish lice and thongs? what the hell kind of last night did Fuzzy have?
or is that a fish slice and tongs?
You don't cook much do you Diarmuid! Or you just have a dirty mind.
Right I just finally emptied my car. An olli Grau white water book and a blue blanket.
the olli grau book was 2nd prize in the table quiz and I think belongs to Rob now since i already got something. but if he's not taking it I think I'm next in line for that.
You don't cook much do you Diarmuid! Or you just have a dirty mind.
actually I cook quite a lot, but I just seriously don't understand how Fuzzy has fish lice unless there's been a sordid little troy mclure affair going on.
no, what I said was, he sleeps with the fishes. you see...
Where's my hat? My head is cold!
I'll bring it to the pool on thursday. If you are not going to be there set up a time to meet me on campus.