UCD Canoe Club
Boats and Gear => Lost and Found => Topic started by: claire on June 06, 2006, 11:35:37
1. my trangia handle
2. my voice
3. significant usage of my liver
4. my dignity
5. my canoe club hoody
6. my balance
7. half the skin on my feet
1. my sense of rythm
2. a red and grey kodak disposable camera (fully used)
Any info on any of the above would be much appreciated.
Claire x
i didn't lose anything just thought i would let everyone in on that
wasnt your hoodie part of the swapping hoodies thing with other colleges???? It was the orange one, im thinking maybe lolly did the swapping with yours but said she's give you hers when we got home, not sure but i think i remember something like that!
i lost my sunglasses... they was 3yoyos :) yeh lolly was looking 4 someone with a blue hoodie to swap with queens n that shed give whoever back hers ???
Hey hun!
me thinks that disposable camera is mine!there shud be some classic photos on it (id say ALOT of emmet :D )
And have an orange hoody waiting for ya!
its a pity ur new found sense of rythm didnt help us conquer that kazockstan(no clue how to spell it) routine-man we looked good practising it though -NOT!! :P
Don't worry Lolly! We'll master that dance yet! And when we do we'll rock out the dancefloor in doyles!
I think the problem was in involved both balance and rythm... and I definatly had NO balance! :D
at the top of one of the bags of rubbish I brought home I happened to notice a vero moda (or something... what do I look like, a girl?) bag containing:
one pumpkin skirt
two black shoes
some nylons or something
a green top
was this stuff meant to be in the bin? does anyone want to claim it? the pumpkin skirt is awesome. it's orange with leaves around the waistline, and a big jack-o-lantern face on the front. or ass, depending how you wear it.
on the topic of the swapped hoody - just to let you know that 2 washes later its still not clean
but my mother is on the case, im sure it will get clean eventually
Well Kevin when ya get in an ash fight with Lolly, a clean hoody is not what ya can expect! :D Good luck with the cleaning!
I have some sort of body warmer which is belived to belong to allio.
nah, allio's body warmer is in finland.
what is a body warmer anyways?
Sleeveless jacket with no hood.
the body warmer is mine. i'll get it off you when you get back from d'alpes. and if the black jeans are wranglers they're also mine. they'll have a bicycle rip at the end of the right leg if they're mine.