UCD Canoe Club

General => Kayaking => Topic started by: lorco on December 17, 2006, 22:32:51

Title: Boating NZ
Post by: lorco on December 17, 2006, 22:32:51
Alright Lads!

Am chuffed after getting down amy first New Zealand River in one piece! did a really handy one (Hokitiki goerge) on the west coast. really nice to start with as i hadn't been in a boat in 11months (my god  :o) big and bouncy jsut the way i like it  ;)water was an amazing crystal green colour, so beautiful.
Benny got 2 other runs on top of that done...needless to say, he chose 2 slightly less handy ones - one of which was a 6hour continuous grade 4+ that he was helicopered into. he was grinning like a cheshire cat when he got off so i gathered he enjoyed himself!

Best part of the weekend was that i got to paddle benny's brand spanking new boat before he did (bought on friday)  ;D riot magnun...sweet!

Later teds, I hope i've much more rivers to come...

Title: Re: Boating NZ
Post by: Sara on December 18, 2006, 11:59:37
Great to hear you enjoyed yourself Lorco! Keep up the paddling!!

Title: Re: Boating NZ
Post by: TomB on December 18, 2006, 13:17:11

We know you really miss home!

Quite frankly, i'd rather be in the muddy watered annomoe in the depts of december on a club trip with 40 punters, with freshers who have been stuffed in to the playboats (with no foot blocks or back rest) cause there was nothing left in the boathouse, or in T-canyons with no air bags, then sitting in the eddie above jacksons thinking should i run the drop blind, to chase the boats, or wait until the freshers are out of the hole first. wondering why i am shivering? is it because i lent my thermals to some hot chick who forgot hers (and has a boyfriend), or because of the, quite simply, the air temperature?

Come Lorco, just come home and give up this charade.

yours faithfully,

Title: Re: Boating NZ
Post by: david on December 18, 2006, 13:24:48
Yaeh lorco, given the option any one would choose Irl over nz...
Title: Re: Boating NZ
Post by: Ritchie on December 18, 2006, 21:00:49
great hear from you dude, take loads o' pics would love to hit NZ in the next few years. take it easy, ritch
Title: Re: Boating NZ
Post by: lorco on December 19, 2006, 03:33:38
I cant live in denial anymore. every thing you said is true.

I miss the boyne

Yours regretfully
Title: Re: Boating NZ
Post by: slapper on December 19, 2006, 04:59:00
hey lorco,

that last p[ost of yours really suits your avatar  :D
Title: Re: Boating NZ
Post by: lorco on January 08, 2007, 02:13:10
I got a lovely river done in Queens Town on new years eve (i think). It was a massive volume (for me) nice grade 3 run. bigger volume than iv ever done i think. nice big ass wave trains, oh and i pulled off my very first boof! over the only big hole on the river (not intentionally of course i was SUPPOSED to be on river RIGHT!... as benny pointed out  :o) came off with dry hair too so was very pleased with myself despite a few near misses  ;D

You never know, i might get into this paddling lark after all...

Happy New Year EVERYONE :) Hope you's had a blast in Kerry and there was lots o water for yez

Title: Re: Boating NZ
Post by: kmck on January 08, 2007, 09:41:13
I can only see tom's avatar of a baby.
Title: Re: Boating NZ
Post by: lorco on January 08, 2007, 23:44:08
Me too...?

I have no avatar
Title: Re: Boating NZ
Post by: Asho87 on January 11, 2007, 02:11:58
Sounds good Laura! Fair play :)