UCD Canoe Club
General => Kayaking => Topic started by: bexifurr on February 21, 2007, 13:05:46
This week, weekend, next week, the week after?
Gis a buzzle.
I'm free on tuesdays and fridays from now on. If it's raining I'm there.
Cor MacLynch and I will be paddling and roaring at the television in Lynhams on Saturday :o.
there's paddling in Donegal on Sunday morning if you're interested, bex
What time Sunday? Am going out for dinner on Saturday. And how long is the drive?
hooray for shanghaied varsities teams!
Mick, Cormac
Can I join yiz for paddlin' & shoutin' on Saturday?
I reckon! ;D
`Im picking up a boat in laragh at 10 (later if there isn't much rain tonight) So will be up for whatevers running then, will call you guys!
Anybody around on Sunday?