UCD Canoe Club
Boats and Gear => Buy and Sell => Topic started by: kmck on March 07, 2007, 10:17:34
Orange I3 222. Good condition. Ideal for beginner to intermediate. Good on whitewater, excellent in surf. I was a bit big for it so would suit a lighter paddler. Anyway I am looking for €600 o.n.o.
Give us a bell 0879051983.
Reason for selling is I need money and don't use it that often anymore. The I3 is what the lads used in costa rica, Jim swore at it.
Ferg swore at his, but he's a moany bitch. I swore by mine. Good boat.
Orange is obviously the best colour.
What happened to the Topo Duo?
It got about bent around a rock on the upper liffey on sunday.
I heartily endorse this product and/or service.
Davey B probably wouldnt though - seemingly anything that isnt dagger, palm or werner is bent.
Aren't his Werner's bent?
Orange I3 222. Good condition. Ideal for beginner to intermediate. Good on whitewater, excellent in surf. I was a bit big for it so would suit a lighter paddler. Anyway I am looking for €600 o.n.o.
Give us a bell 0879051983.
Endorsed by Jim kennedy what more can you do. Make a good offer and she is yours.
Is that Jim or the boat that will be mine for €650? ;D
As far as I know Jim goes for a bottle of whiskey and he is your's for the evening. Come on some serious offers a really good boat starting off that will allow you to develop as a paddler.
Well yes I swore at mine, simon broke his and jim spent most of his time upside down
(http://www.mananamanana.com/images/scotland/jimorositwo.jpg) ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Other than that, great boat!!
Also to set the record straight, Jim plys young girls with whiskey - Beware! ;)
Buy the boat people!
This photo is being wrongly interpreted. Clearly, I was trying to wrestle the bottle away from her, for her own good.
Buy Kieran's boat or I'll come around and wrestle your whiskey away from you.
The last time I tried to wrestle my drink away form a girl I was left with teeth marks on my arm for weeks.
Moral of the story never ask Clarky to mind little bottles of drink for you.
And Jim isn't in trouble he is just trying to do some really cool freestyle moves while running the drop. Is there anything that man can't do?
Is there anything that man can't do?
Stay upright
Okay I have 20 euro to last until the end of the month, buy my boat or buy my kidney. I would offer my liver but you all know I don't have one.
Will someone bring Mc kevitt home and feed him
That does it. Once I'm finished with the Portugal stuff, I'm moving on to my 'Guide to Dummies Paddling' mostly starring Ferg.
Provisionally gone