UCD Canoe Club
General => Kayaking => Topic started by: Jim on April 25, 2007, 22:29:33
Scotland 07 version 2.0 hits the road on Friday.
All the usual suspects, plus El Diablo, plus his magic injectable oranges, plus Young Tom, minus Young Tom's Trangia, are heading to the Italian Alps. As Catherine has pronounced: 'Pizza Napoli, pronto.'
Due to the abuse received about the Portugal reports being two and a half months late, we already have information:
www.mananamanana.com (http://www.mananamanana.com)
Smangas are better. Cheap at only 13 euro they last for as long as you manage to keep the peices together. Anyway you can always buy those little camping stoves in Italy. Don't let Mickle or cormac lynch anywhere near your navigation unless you really want to go to and stay in France.
this may seen like a really stupid question but in all the times you went to "scotland" why are there no trip reports and photos form scotland on mananamanana?
or maby there are and i just didnt look hard enough?
'There are no stupid questions...'
I haven't been in Scotland Scotland in a long time. The last time I was there I was paddling an Aquabat if that means anything to you. Anyway the point is that it predates my growing expertise in Photoshop - hence no photos.
There is some video evidence of old scotland trips probably B.J but not B.F. in era.
The last time I was there I was paddling an Aquabat if that means anything to you.
What is old age doing to you Mr. Jim?
(http://file022b.bebo.com/10/medium/2006/11/07/11/245878792a2483047471b670725163m.jpg) this was Wicklow.
Think I need a new role model. Anyone?
PS. Do ye ever do any work?
for kieran,
in the words of simon barry:
Tranjas are great for preparing food that doesnt require heat for extended periods of time... a nice salad is the sort of food that can be perfectly well prepared in a tranja, as can a packet of Tayto. Simply open packet of Tayto, pour into tranja dish and enjoy. No need to light the meths, which is far better used as a mixer for your buckfast anyway.
The kettle that comes with your tranja can be coupled with half a pint of water, tinfoil, duct tape and a BIC pen to create the most amazing bong.
The MSR Whisperlite is the dogs danglies for setting cars on fire, melting high temperature steel, breaking into banks, stuff like that.
You should really check out the Outdoors Campfire (TM), all you need a picnic table, axe and petrol, you can throw your tin of baked beans on the Outdoors Campfire (TM), stir the fire with your Pokey Stick (TM) and wait for the tin to explode. Now lick the baked bean remenance off your travelling companions face! What joy.
Anyway the point is that it predates my growing expertise in Photoshop - hence no photos.
Don't you mean predates the interweb?
i didnt know what an aquabat was/is so i google imaged it and this is what i got
my how kayaking equipment has come along. ;)
Outdoors Campfire (TM) takes no responsibility for any shrapnel injuries resulting from the possible explosion of said tin of beans.
or so i hear...
Yep Cian, Jim paddled one of them in Scotland. Not the most comfortable ride ever.
i have to say jim i cant wait for this new set of photo's , if your skills have advanced at the rate i expect them to have.....i cant even imagine where you'll photoshop yourself next.
can't wait for the 2.0 version!!
Smiley face icon goes here.
Up to my elbows in foam and adhesive getting ready to go, and the Ramones comes on the stereo - 'Now I want to sniff some glue.' It's a sign - Joey Ramone is looking out for us!
Cat, that is possibly the single greatest post that has gone on this board in a long long time! Welcome back Simon....
So where's the update? You know some of us need this info asap. Jim come on!!!!!!!
More importantly where is my present?
are you going to italy kieran? or are you just bored in work?
Just bored in work, can't go on holidays until sometime in 2008.
Yeah, I'm bored too. And want to hear more about the Trangia. I can't find my Ode to a Trangia anymore. Sniff.
Trip report from Italy - I have finally started to write this up:
http://www.mananamanana.com/italia (http://www.mananamanana.com/italia)
More on Monday.
Go the Jim Kennedy, although it does look similar to the way it looked every other day that I have checked, which is more or less every day.
There are no UCD CC Scotland trip reports bcause the rivers were so big and the water so cold that it would frighten all you young lads.
Super fantastico Jim,
Glad to see that you've got your project finished and now have time for the important matters in life
As promised, here's the 'more' on Monday.
Plus an added 'spot the missing graphic' competition. First person to spot it gets a prize.
http://www.mananamanana.com (http://www.mananamanana.com)
Jesus, that last section you have photos for on the second day is pretty impressive!!!
Anymore? Please Mr. Kennedy pretty please! What happened to the belgians? When I was in France the campsite owner went on at lenght to tell me that "une belge" means an idiot or a belgian.
Just wondering about more updates or was the trip only three days long? I have to live vicariously through others you know!
Sorry about the ongoing delays. I'm blaming the weather - it's raining, so I'm kayaking instead of writing about it.
I've added another day...
By the way, if anyone sees any bugs in the website, can you let me know? Dead links, or missing graphics, that kind of thing.
Really, walkie talkies? That is so nerdy, I use the power of suggestion.
Jim: Kieran let's hop down to next eddie.
Inside Kieran's head straight to the body: Wow that's a suggestion let's follow jim!
Other parts of kieran's mind: what did I just do? Did he really say that but what if i miss the eddie? Chocolate good! I wonder.... aaaghh crap.
By the way those are some great photos, tome is textbook.
The problem here Kieran is not your internal monologue, but that you followed me down a rapid. Ask anyone, this is not a good idea.
Yes, they had walkie talkies.
Random question any more paddle porn from Italy Mr. Kennedy?
More for you Mr. McKeever...
Thanks Jim, I needed that.
hey jim just to say some exceptional photos in there, they flatter you guys amazingly such a better idea than that photo shopping business you did before, much prefere this playing with camera angle buzz your on now.
nice work.
Caution notice to those new kayakistas amoungst you...
Use your towel when changing... unless you wish to appear on a sketchy 'amateurs' photo website site.
The sordid world of whitewater adventure travelling stoops to new level...
YAY! Brilliant stuff!
I've finally put the last three days of that Italian trip up...
http://www.mananamanana.com/italia (http://www.mananamanana.com/italia) - now with cows and video...
Apologies for the delay, I lost the Internet down the back of the couch for a while there.