UCD Canoe Club
General => Kayaking => Topic started by: kjt on July 25, 2007, 20:09:02
Anybody up for paddling around 7pm on Tuesday?
Boyne's a bit far away after work, but would probably head out at some stage over the weekend and/ or sluice on tuesday.
I gonna try out a smaller boat so wanted to try it on an easy river. We went up there during the wk and got there for about 7.30 and home by 11.40 ;) You know you wanna Kat!
Sadly I won't be around at all the weekend :( Boo
I will! take me to the boyne on sat! havent been out in ages!
Pick me, id be up for some sort of paddling on saturday. i havnt been in a boat for ages
don't reckon i'll be boyning on tue- bit of a late night - don't want to be exhausted before i even leave for ugands.
Sat again, for the others, depends on having someone else to do a car drop. Will let you know nearer the time.
jus remeberd cant go boatin saturday, got work outin, waaaay
bring me and kylie! we're just gonna riun silverback now,meet you at stackallen later ;)
Shut up Dee!
Boyne Tuesday! Not around this weekend & have a need for some paddling!
There is an interesting topic on trinity's board. Proper Kayaking Etiquette: Lesson 1 - Lifts in cars!!! Started by tiernan a good read of the do's and don'ts that can piss off a driver.
im up for tuesday and possibly tomor. jsut need a boat and a bouyancy jacket.
Yey - boyne saturday - can meet people at the boathouse, just can't provide a key either.
Kat and you are the captains girlfriend, you should have a key, a marching band and a million euro. Well you have to get something for going out with Mark not just witty banter and broken bunk beds.
Wow this feels a bit weird posting here! Anyhoo this is Aisling who has bummed along on most of your Boyne sessions at this stage, so anyway let me know if ye are actually heading down again tomorrow after work, there might be a few other DCU paddlers going - but they're all so indecisive!
Ais pm me your number and I'll let you know what's happening.
I highly recommend boyne in the evening great fun!!!
was on it last night, but be prepared for a late one, we met at 7 didn't get off till just after 10 in car and change by 10;20.
Bring head lamps!!!
Senor Cheese - is the Boyne still really high? As high as, say, last week?
it's high but no it's not as high as it has been in the last 2 weeks or so. but everything is running well
Cool. Evening run on the Boyne it is then. What time are people intending to be there?
Gonna plan to be there about 7ish. Not sure what the traffic will be like tough :-/
Hmmm, so you're probably gone already and are not reading this. We'll play catch-up so.
Stupid work - can't leave until 7 PM.