UCD Canoe Club
General => Kayaking => Topic started by: Simon R. on August 29, 2007, 07:27:16
yes they tryed it
yes i have the footage
yes the survived
and yes it is halarious.........really halarious
and yes one of them came out with no shorts
"you guys are focking stupid, thats about as intelligent as paddlin into the bad-place on purpose in a kayak.... Intons in charge" ;D
I can't wait to see the footage. Who was it? Let me guess Greame, Henry and other nutcases. Who lost their shorts?
two right. gragham, little henery, jarad(who i thought was intelligent),ruben, anton(minus his shorts thanks to either1.the cuban2.the ashtry3,the badplace or that hole at the bottom he got al of them)
gragham puts in a graceful dive to safety from the top of the raft.......into the middle of the cuban. for a big guy he is quite graceful.
as he said to me after ritchie....wank!
So... Jared says afterwards "Rafting Itanda? It's easy, you just go right- I mean left" yeah???
No, I believe said something along the lines of 'where's the beer bro, fock we need to try that again, like next week...'
Smart, maybe not so much!
Guess whos coming...
I don't know because I am not a member of that board!