UCD Canoe Club

Boats and Gear => Lost and Found => Topic started by: Sick Boy on November 18, 2007, 18:44:11

Title: so far i have lost.
Post by: Sick Boy on November 18, 2007, 18:44:11
my phone, i don't expect this one back.
my thermarest, green and attached to a navy vango sleeping bag.
my bike light
my keys, they have a black tape attached to them which says something along the lines of surf safe.
and my multi tool it has allenkeys and a couple of screw drivers
oh and my sigg, it is red and might smell of cheap rum.
all in lahinch if any one has any idea as to how i might get any of these things back post up here or email me.

p.s.i remembered another one, my black man bag, it had some solpadine in it oh and a name tag an a couple of pens.

thanks again
Title: Re: so far i have lost.
Post by: Cli on November 18, 2007, 18:55:53
I lost Niall and Jevon
Title: Re: so far i have lost.
Post by: Monkey Loving Bob on November 18, 2007, 19:07:25
Following on from that it now looks like you might lose Lambe!
Title: Re: so far i have lost.
Post by: Towelyey on November 18, 2007, 21:40:22
you left the lads in lahinch!!
Title: Re: so far i have lost.
Post by: Sick Boy on November 18, 2007, 22:13:05
there were roughly 20 others who knew the bus was leaving. in fact in true canoe club style the bus was leaving for about half an hour before it actually left anywhere. how was it that they were the only two who didn't cop it? what were ye up to lads? :-\
Title: Re: so far i have lost.
Post by: Douchier on November 19, 2007, 05:34:44
Any ideas how I get back from Lehinch?
Title: Re: so far i have lost.
Post by: Sick Boy on November 19, 2007, 09:39:16
any ideas how i get back my missing stuff?
Title: Re: so far i have lost.
Post by: caz on November 19, 2007, 12:56:34
did you really leave two freshers in Lahinch????  :o that is so funny.  i want to hear all the stories and quotes wot got said some. and more photo's please!
Title: Re: so far i have lost.
Post by: johnnyg on November 19, 2007, 13:11:45
Any ideas how I get back from Lehinch?
...... :o

....I assume you are got back....right ??......you can't still be there.....can you..? :o
Title: Re: so far i have lost.
Post by: Lambe on November 19, 2007, 14:20:54
i hav someones bike light, its a big fat red one
Title: Re: so far i have lost.
Post by: SafeDee on November 19, 2007, 15:43:27
they very nearly left the safety officer in lahinch as well
Title: Re: so far i have lost.
Post by: Cli on November 19, 2007, 17:52:02
Turns out i have lost my car keys. They look like a bunch of keys (!) with a car key on it and an orange tag with car reg on it and my phone number.

Please find them!  :'(
Title: Re: so far i have lost.
Post by: kmck on November 19, 2007, 18:19:53
I may have lost my phone charger, if anyone has an old sagem charger Can I have it please.
Their right they did miss out on some really good surf.
Note to self follow my gut, limerick was really a bad idea to go through on sunday. Gort would have been better.
Title: Re: so far i have lost.
Post by: Lucy on November 19, 2007, 18:31:38
...good god, I'm surprised any of you made it back.
Title: Re: so far i have lost.
Post by: Sick Boy on November 19, 2007, 19:42:26
so back on topic please keep an eye out for my stuff.
Title: Re: so far i have lost.
Post by: SafeDee on November 19, 2007, 19:47:06
 i think its gas that captain mark managed to lose NOTHING this weekend. he definately deserves a blue peter badge or something
Title: Re: so far i have lost.
Post by: Cli on November 19, 2007, 20:18:48
iv just remembered, i opened boathouse with my keys on Sunday evening. So my keys are in or near boathouse i reckon. if ur around there please keep eyes open.

... WE LOVE FINN... they fell out of  my bag into boot of his car.

Now everyone, go back to looking for Cian's phone, keys, swigg, thermal....
Title: Re: so far i have lost.
Post by: Karen on November 20, 2007, 12:23:32
i lost a small sleeping bag, did anyone happen to pick it up?