UCD Canoe Club

General => Kayaking => Topic started by: kill on February 12, 2008, 14:02:30

Title: Rescue Training Weekend - Cancelled
Post by: kill on February 12, 2008, 14:02:30
Hey everyone,

I'm organising a rescue training weekend for the above dates. This course is aimed at Level 3 people, people who have done a level 4 training course but aren't ready for the assessment yet, people who are waiting on a level 3 assessment or people who are of that standard but aren't bothered with levels.

It will cover a large range of basic and intermediate rescue techniques including ropework, swimming, boat-based rescues, boat carries, towing, scenarios, rescue locations and a load of other stuff. If you're paddling on grade 3 water with your friends or if you want to be able to help out on club trips instead of being stuck in an eddy the whole time or if you're thinking of being on the committee next year (in particular as a kayaking-related officer), then I'd really reccommend doing it.

The cost has to be finalised but I expect it to be between CHEAP - SEE BELOW! (need I say far less than a similar course anywhere else). I understand everyone's pretty broke around then but you'll make all your money back when the balls and parties fizzle out coming up to exam time in april.

You'll also have to own your own gear (or at least borrow it for the weekend). This means enough thermals for the weekend, cag (semi-dry at least), neoprene spraydeck, wetsuit/dry-pants/dry-suit, booties with good soles and that don't get sucked off if you're swimming, a good helmet and skullcap/woolly hat, a rescue bouyancy-aid. You will be getting wet. Bring enough warm gear, changes and snacks and maybe a flask.

For safety equipment, you'll need to get:
a river-knife (fold-out or in a sheath) and whistle for your bouyancy-aid pocket
a cow-tail or sling for towing (cow tail attaches to your b-aid/ sling goes over your shoulder)
a throw-rope (at least 15m)
a snap-gate karibiner
2 screw-gate karibiners
a 4m open sling/ climbing tape/webbing
a large closed-loop sling (about 4m in perimeter)
a first-aid kit (although first-aid should not form part of the weekend)
Remember to mark all of your gear. Gear gets thrown about in rescue situations and it can be hard to distinguish one person's from another's.

If you're interested, please pm me or e-mail me with your name and contact details and turn-ons. If you have any questions (what gear is better, what's a karibiner, how do you make a € symbol on the computer etc.), leave them on this topic so that everyone can see the replies.

I'm also looking for anyone who wants to help out with the weekend. Any L3 (or higher) instructors or instructor trainees or L5 trainees or just people who have done crazy South American trips but are awaiting their Level 2's, please pm me or e-mail me at killian.halpin@esbi.ie if you're interested.

Kill Out!   - and remember, If it doesn't chafe, it's not safe!
Title: Re: Rescue Training Weekend - March 8th/9th
Post by: caz on February 12, 2008, 14:13:45
Title: Re: Rescue Training Weekend - March 8th/9th
Post by: kjt on February 12, 2008, 16:27:05
I'd be interested!

Btw got any more info on these and/or can they be made yourself with some rope...?

4m open sling/ climbing tape/webbing
large closed-loop sling (about 4m in perimeter)

Title: Re: Rescue Training Weekend - March 8th/9th
Post by: kill on February 12, 2008, 16:49:25
If you go to the Great Outdoors climbing section and ask for an open sling and a closed/sewn sling, they should know what you're talking about. You'll probably recognise them when you see them. They're different to a rope. They are made from climbing tape, normally about an inch wide and flat.
Title: Re: Rescue Training Weekend - March 8th/9th
Post by: Siberian Tiger on February 22, 2008, 16:08:04
I will be interested, is there any chance I can borrow club gear (I only need a helmet and boyancy aid) Do you need a boat as well?? When do we come back, cos I have a flight to catch sunday 10th
Title: Re: Rescue Training Weekend
Post by: kill on February 26, 2008, 12:50:32

This weekend has had to be post-poned for numerous reasons. It will be some time after Easter. I'll let you know asap so all the people whose names I already have can recheck their availability.

This is good news. The chances are that all the swimming will be in warmer weather.

I'm in the process of organising a release from Ali's bucket for that time of the month. We'll have to wait for the flow to subside a little before we get on because the initial burst will probably be full of stuff people have lost over the last while.
Title: Re: Rescue Training Weekend - After Easter
Post by: Siberian Tiger on March 07, 2008, 17:16:27
alrite, still interested, where can I get all d gear, Great Oudoors???
Title: Re: Rescue Training Weekend - 5th & 6th of April
Post by: kill on April 01, 2008, 15:54:24
Alright that's this weekend people.

To cut costs I have decided not to book a hostel so the weekend will only cost your food and petrol money. You organise your own car. If you're part of the group attending you'll get a group e-mail so you'll know who to ask for lifts etc. If you live far away from any drivers let me know, there's a space in my house for the saturday night.

The plan is to be changed and ready to get on the river at 10 each morning. We should be off the water at or before 5 each day. There will be a knots session after the water session on Saturday after everyone is changed and dry. This makes Saturday a very long day so bring plenty of snacks and a packed lunch. A lunch should be brought on the river each day so bring something to keep it dry.

NB Does anybody have numbers for Matt, Siberian Pussycat and Caz? Please text them to me via free internet texts, I won't be on the board again today.

Title: Re: Rescue Training Weekend - 5th & 6th of April
Post by: kjt on April 01, 2008, 15:56:17
I won't be able to make this!

I'll PM you Matt and Caz's ph no.
Title: Re: Rescue Training Weekend - 5th & 6th of April
Post by: Karen on April 02, 2008, 14:53:04
Can I get on the list still or is it too late?
Title: Re: Rescue Training Weekend - 5th & 6th of April
Post by: kill on April 03, 2008, 13:12:05
Sorry guys this weekend has had to be cancelled due to lack of instructors.

There are two options now.
1) Get everyone who's interested to agree on a weekend when you're all available and I'll have another look at running the course.

2) I'll send you on the list of things I had intended to cover and you can ask people on random river trips about them to build up your abilities that way.

Sorry about the short notice.
Title: Re: Rescue Training Weekend - Cancelled
Post by: Nuala on April 03, 2008, 16:13:58
I am free any weekend you like until the end of term, except possibly the weekend of the 19th of April because I heard there was a suggestion of a level 3 assesment that weekend, which I would like to do.

When suits the rest of ye?
Title: Re: Rescue Training Weekend - Cancelled
Post by: Karen on April 03, 2008, 19:13:43
Pretty much free most weekends, cept as Nuala mentioned, if were to be L3 assessment or something
Title: Re: Rescue Training Weekend - Cancelled
Post by: Douchier on October 21, 2008, 10:15:06

Is there anything like this in the pipeline again?
Title: Re: Rescue Training Weekend - Cancelled
Post by: rog on October 21, 2008, 11:18:43
Yes there will be, soon.
Title: Re: Rescue Training Weekend - Cancelled
Post by: Douchier on October 21, 2008, 11:26:10
Great! Killian doing it? Put my name down.
Title: Re: Rescue Training Weekend - Cancelled
Post by: JODY on October 21, 2008, 11:29:00
Eh, you're a Trinner now! Stop coming to us for stuff... just cause we're better doesn't mean you can still lurk around here getting in on our training!!  :P
Title: Re: Rescue Training Weekend - Cancelled
Post by: Towelyey on October 21, 2008, 12:43:33
if he's a paid member then you cant complain :P
Title: Re: Rescue Training Weekend - Cancelled
Post by: Douchier on October 21, 2008, 13:17:17
Damn straight.

I'll be around on Saturday too, are things going
Title: Re: Rescue Training Weekend - Cancelled
Post by: Nuala on October 21, 2008, 16:48:52
See Niall, we did you a favour by forcibly taking your money from you, look at all the great things you get to do now you are a member. Everyone else should volunteer for the same service don't you think?
Title: Re: Rescue Training Weekend - Cancelled
Post by: Douchier on October 21, 2008, 16:58:10
Yeah... you still owe me E15..