UCD Canoe Club

General => Kayaking => Topic started by: slapper on February 22, 2008, 09:07:19

Title: Buying a new BA - Advice wanted
Post by: slapper on February 22, 2008, 09:07:19

After 7 years of using the same BA, I've finally decided that I should probably upgrade it. As there is a massive range of different BAs available since I last purchased one, I thought I'd seek some thoughts.

However, I've got a gift voucher for GODs and was thinking of putting it towards a new BA. That gives me the very wide range of choice of Palm, Palm or Palm.

The two options they have for whitewater are:
The Axis Extreme
http://www.desperate-measures.co.uk/product.aspx?prodid=287 (http://www.desperate-measures.co.uk/product.aspx?prodid=287)
The Extreme 2
http://www.desperate-measures.co.uk/product.aspx?prodid=286 (http://www.desperate-measures.co.uk/product.aspx?prodid=286)

Anyone use one of these or know good/bad things about them?

Are there other BAs on the market for similar money that are much better? (even if it means not buying from the marvelously wide range of products available at GODs).

I missed Tom's presentation at the safety weekend about BAs so if there were some good points on what to look out for, let me know.

Title: Re: Buying a new BA - Advice wanted
Post by: david on February 22, 2008, 10:18:30
I have the Axis and I fuckin Love it!!!!

I think that the other one has too much buoyancy.
Title: Re: Buying a new BA - Advice wanted
Post by: Jim on February 22, 2008, 10:31:35
The gist of Tom's BA talk was that all BAs are good, mmmkay? and some have different features than others and that 'it depends.' At least that's what I think he said, but in more detail.

A number of us (including Tom) have Astrals. For my money, these are the business: 

Astral Aquavest 300 (http://www.astralbuoyancy.com/03/products/men/aquavest300/index.html)

Title: Re: Buying a new BA - Advice wanted
Post by: cormac on February 22, 2008, 11:27:44
Get the one that suits you best rather than the one you have a token for.  If it turns out to be Palm then well and good; if not use the token for something else or sell it to someone.

Everyone (except Tom) will probably recommend their own BA, so here goes, though they currently appear to be sold out - which tells its own story:

Title: Re: Buying a new BA - Advice wanted
Post by: slapper on February 22, 2008, 11:42:48
I'm ashamed to admit it, but I've started playing on Lorcan's canoe polio team, so need a polo BA as well. I'm thinking I could use the voucher for a polio BA and possibly get a different type for WW.

Tom did mention the fact that the O-ring on his BA has a wide area to slide between which can be quite off-putting when anchored.

Cheers for the advice.
Title: Re: Buying a new BA - Advice wanted
Post by: Kerry on February 22, 2008, 12:14:53
ashamed eh!! I'd get you kicked off the team if your weren't so good and look so good with your top off.  ::)
Title: Re: Buying a new BA - Advice wanted
Post by: Dave B on February 22, 2008, 13:54:00
I have to say I think the palm axis is the business, it's not too big- I used it freestyling on the nile- it's good and solid, and i really love the big pocket- I can fit a sling, three crabs, knife, two prusics, scull cap, food, and still have some room- that's pretty much a pin kit and extras on me all the time. It'll probably take a while but palm are starting to change the foam in their ba's to the same stuff windsurfers use- overtime it molds into the shape of your body for a better fit.

I find the astral too small and can't carry all the kit I want, and the serpent only has one strap around the middle- which means if you ever have to release the cowtail you only have the two bottom straps and shoulder straps keeping the BA on you.
Title: Re: Buying a new BA - Advice wanted
Post by: kill on February 22, 2008, 16:01:05
I agree. Palm are great. You should go to the Great Outdoors and buy a Palm bouyancy aid. Then, maybe you should have a think about buying some other products by Palm from the Great Outdoors.
Title: Re: Buying a new BA - Advice wanted
Post by: Asho87 on February 24, 2008, 23:41:09
As mark put it ages ago:

Title: Re: Buying a new BA - Advice wanted
Post by: johnnyg on February 25, 2008, 03:47:45
As mark put it ages ago:


 ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Buying a new BA - Advice wanted
Post by: Simon R. on February 25, 2008, 12:57:15
hi i used the axis exrteme 2 and got rid of it, it has great bouncy but as with all palm bouncies i think the cut is dreadfull its right up in your arm pits and i just found using it really akward and inhibiting to my movement. im using a kokatat one now and i love it, it has similar bouncy and same cost but is just so much better cut. ill post up the link when i have more time or just pm me.
Title: Re: Buying a new BA - Advice wanted
Post by: kmck on February 25, 2008, 14:56:57
I like the serpent, I tried the axis and the extreme and for my shape and size the serpent was better fitting, the quick release can come loose but the boancy does not move about.
Title: Re: Buying a new BA - Advice wanted
Post by: Pia! on February 25, 2008, 15:46:11
I think Simon might be right about the palm axis-its brilliant for me but i can see how it might be a pain in the ass for people with a big chest and arms and i have heard people moaning about it before. Try and demo someone's for the weekend to make sure it fits your body cos it is a brilliant buoyancy aid

Then again, the only other bouyancy i can compare it to are the club ones and Killians 11 year old, purple racing BA that can no longer keep your head above water..... 
Title: Re: Buying a new BA - Advice wanted
Post by: joey on February 25, 2008, 16:30:21
I'd have to agree with Dave! The axis isthe way to go, the main difference between the axis and extreme 2 is that the extreme 2 comes with ten newtons extra buoyancy but this is placed in the pocket and so has a very small pocket if its in.

I used to work in great outdoors and alot of people brought it back saying it rode up too high under their arms but when we asked them to show us they wud put it on and tighten the bottom straps and then start tightening the shoulder ones pulling the jacket further and further up. We just told them not to tighten it so much and it stops it riding up.

the only problem i have with mine is that most of the straps are too long and can get in the way, but seen as i'm bout half your size id say u wud be ok!
Title: Re: Buying a new BA - Advice wanted
Post by: kill on February 25, 2008, 17:33:17
That purple bouyancy-aid actually drags you down.
Title: Re: Buying a new BA - Advice wanted
Post by: Jim on February 25, 2008, 17:51:53
Purple is the sinkingest colour.
Title: Re: Buying a new BA - Advice wanted
Post by: Galwayhead on February 25, 2008, 21:12:03
I use the Yak Descent and am happy out with it.


Has 2 pockets. De wee pocket can take a knife, if needed, Ive my knife on my shoulder strap so use the pocket for a whistle, and spare contact lenses. In the big pocket I stuff in a sling, 2 prussick loops, a crab, a skullcap and a pulley.
Has done de job for 2 years far but I understand that it can be difficult to get Yak gear in Dublin.
Comes only in de non sinky colour of red
Title: Re: Buying a new BA - Advice wanted
Post by: Simon R. on February 26, 2008, 12:30:26
i uses this one:

think its great, pockets are on the smallish size though i do fit a knife watch, sling and crab and my skull cap in there when im not using them loads of free movement wtih it and the zip is so handy.

know a new zelander who used the serpent in uganda he was terrified of swimming said that it wasnt bouant enough and he wasnt a big guy maybe 12.5 stone or so. think sean said something similar about it.
Title: Re: Buying a new BA - Advice wanted
Post by: Sean on March 03, 2008, 10:23:53
Here's a qoute of the post I made for Sara back when she was looking at buying a new BA. Hope it helps . . .

Hey Sara,

I bought the HF serpent before I went away to Uganda, as the old school one I had, definitely wouldn't have held up to the volume of water and whirlpools.

Couple of points,

1.  I find it has plenty of buoyancy and fits really well out of water - nice and low profile.

2.  HOWEVER, once submersed the strapping system seems a bit suspect (IMHO), as I felt while swimming  :-* the BA tended to really want to rise up my chest, perhaps you being a girl and having certain appendages, the BA wouldn’t be able to rise as much. Either way, you certainly have to tighten it in a particular order i.e. bottom straps first, then quick release strap, then shoulder straps.

ABOVE problem is especially noticeable when the quick release strap is undone . . . i.e. If you've had a problem doing a rescue, release and then swim - I'd be slightly wary of this.

Also if you over tighten the quick release strap it has a tendency to become undone by rubbing against the material beside the pocket - again be careful.

3.  I found the pocket a little on the small side possibly due to its wedge shape, by the time I had an open sling and river knife in it I hadn't any space left for mars bars, sun cream stick or sun glasses - you got to look cool  ;D

4.  It has a zip, though I didn't use it as it too much hassle rethreading the straps each time but it would be quite helpful for move ability of the BA if you dislocated either shoulder.

The other BA I was thinking of getting at the time was the Astral 300R, though this is a bit on the pricey side - hence why I went for the HF serpent. The astral BA is savage and if you have the money I'd definitely go for this - it fits better, well me anyway, the Z-Strap is bomber and its got huge pockets and incorporates the fleece hand warmers for the Boyne  ;D as far as I remember the only downside to this BA was the fact that the stitching in the integrated belay loop had a tendency to loosen and tear after use, though even in the cases where this happened the belay loop maintained its integrity - pretty important if you were in the middle of an abseil.

Anyway hope this helps


ps, I bought my buoyancy from www.suescanoes.co.uk (http://www.suescanoes.co.uk) they deliver free of charge from the U.K. and when on sale the HP serpent was €150 to my door. I think it would save you a bout a tenner plus postage even now.