UCD Canoe Club
General => Kayaking => Topic started by: kjt on February 28, 2008, 00:58:57
Wooo Their some long awl boats!
Linky (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNckpwnGNgE&NR=1)
Amazing. Twenty years later Corsica is still regarded as one of Europe's most hardcore places to kayak and these nutty Germans were doing it in really long, fragile fibreglass boats. Respect. We went there a few years ago, and I can't imagine doing most of those rivers in anything other that shorter, sturdy plastic boats.
In summary: Corsica = good. Germans = nutty.
in the words of Dee:
"They're as nutty a squirrel poo!"
One of the dude's did a plata roll!
The only time I ever saw a combat plata roll was by Fordy in kerry when I was a fresher so it mustbe really old school..
Whats a plata roll. was it the roll when ur man came up looking like he was holding only one end of the blade?
that is the video they were showing at varsities.
Yeah, You let go with one hand and grab the blade.
Wow, thats a savage lookin roll, did it use to be the main roll? or is it specific to that type of boat?
Yes, the Pawlata roll used to be the standard one. You move your control hand back to the end of the blade and then roll in the usual way. It's from a time when rolling was all about leverage (long boats needed leverage) not hip-flick, then for a while it was taught as a step on the way to learning the combat roll, now it's of purely historical interest.
They don't teach it anymore because you kids are soooo good nowadays...
that is the video they were showing at varsities.
No they were showing a vid bout the first decent of Dosh Kosi from everest down
a south african i paddled with in ugnada did it as his only roll.....very impressive in the middle of total gunga.........and halarious.
I hope some oldies come to pool session tonight to teach the pawlata roll...