UCD Canoe Club
Boats and Gear => Lost and Found => Topic started by: Karen on March 28, 2008, 14:40:20
I left a bag in the room last night. So far I have tracked its movements as far as the old boat house. Does anyone know if it went on any other adventures? It's grey, with a sort of a drawstring, got some kinda important stuff in it; wallet, drivers licences, 4 cans of Bavaria...
Any news of it's whereabouts would be greatly appreciated!
I carried a bag as far as the boathouse. I didn't carry one back. It was a rucksak, grey -i think- and too small for me. No idea who owns it. I just picked it up on the way out after everyone left the room.
Sounds like mine, anyone know what happened next? Was it left at the boat house?
Think it got left in my car....
Well ur pasport did anyway.
Will get it to the board on monday for ya!
Excellent! Thanks!